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good team for stadium

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Last time I checked, this forum was "Rate My Team"; not "Ask For A Team".

Also, you could have at least specified what cup you were playing.

Furthermore, there's a forum for stadium discussion in which you could have asked there. :/

But anyway, if its for the prime cup, poke cup or elite four, then your best bet would be to use pokemon such as; mewtwo, mew, tauros, rhydon, golem, exeggcutor, gengar, arcanine, alakazam, lapras, cloyster, jynx, starmie, snorlax, zapdos, venusaur as they are some of the best in the game.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Change their nicknames, and yes it is offtopic. As off topic as this goes. If you can't make a team yourself, then you don't need a topic in RMT.
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