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Good Team?


Well-Known Member
(First Timer Just started yesterday)

Is this a good team?

dragonite lv. 100
blastoise lv. 100
blaziken lv. 100
alakazam lv. 87
mewtwo lv. 75
crobat lv. 70

and what are nOObs and OObers?


Well-Known Member
You need to post movesets.

Noob means newby and is considered an insult (a crap one really. People who use it tend to be 'noobs' themselves).
Oober is a very powerfull pokemon almost unbeatable. They tend to be Legendaries.


Well-Known Member
dragonite: flamethower, hyper beam, twister, fly
blastoise: hydro pump, waterfall, surf, bite
blaziken: double kick, cut, sky upper cut, flamethrower
alakazam: shadow ball, secret power, psychic, iron tail
mewtwo: swift, recover, thunder, psychic
crobat: air cutter, mean look, poison fang, haze


-Calm Mind
-Fire Punch
Read this first.

-Ice Beam
-Seismic Toss/Counter
(assuming you don't want to re-breed)

You only need ONE Water attack that damages. There's no point to having Surf, Waterfall, AND Hydro Pump on one set. :/ They all take care of the same types. Surf is powerful and accurate, so use that.

-Sludge Bomb
-Steel Wing
-Aerial Ace/Wing Attack (WA if you can't get AA)
-Shadow Ball

Crobat doesn't have the defenses/Hp to use Haze well. And in addition, you don't need Haze ingame anyways. :/

-Sky Uppercut
-Flamethrower/Fire Blast
-Rock Slide
-Swords Dance/Bulk Up (BU kinda sucks here, but it's alright if you can't get SD. >_>)

Yeahyeah. Cut is a weak attack that isn't super-effective against anything. Rock Slide works well. Swords Dance to boost. I kinda like Quick Attack too...



Noobs aren’t the same as newbs. Noobs are annoying people who think they know everything even though they don’t and they insult other people, even those who are smarter than they are.
Newbs are just new people. You seem to be a newb (because you just joined and also because you posted a team without movesets, which is against the rules).

Also, the list of ubers:

• Deoxys
• Groudon
• Ho-oh
• Kyogre
• Latias
• Latios
• Lugia
• Mew
• Mewtwo
• Rayquaza
• Wobbuffet

All of these Pokémon are considered too cheap.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
SapphireL thanks for the rules. Thanks everyone else and I still need some help with them though so keep a tem


Well-Known Member
(First Timer Just started yesterday)

Is this a good team?

dragonite lv. 100
blastoise lv. 100
blaziken lv. 100
alakazam lv. 87
mewtwo lv. 75
crobat lv. 70

and what are nOObs and OObers?

uuh.. sorry how is it possible that you had started yesterday and today you have 4 lv100 pokemon???????? thats not possible without codes or cheats or sth

P.S> dont think that dont know how you did it *evil laugh*


uuh.. sorry how is it possible that you had started yesterday and today you have 4 lv100 pokemon???????? thats not possible without codes or cheats or sth

P.S> dont think that dont know how you did it *evil laugh*

He meant that he just joined the site yesterday. :rolleyes:

And here are the sets you haven't gotten help with yet:

? Nature
Trait: Inner Focus
-Rock Slide/Dragon Claw
-Aerial Ace/Wing Attack

I'm assuming the nature won't change, since he's already Lv. 100 which makes rebreeding out of the question.

? Nature
Trait: Pressure
-Calm Mind
-Recover/Ice Beam


fear the elements!!!
uuh.. sorry how is it possible that you had started yesterday and today you have 4 lv100 pokemon???????? thats not possible without codes or cheats or sth

P.S> dont think that dont know how you did it *evil laugh*

it's possible by cloning rare candies and go with sapphire L his moveset


Well-Known Member
yeah you got a good point there pal... by the way nice banner!! but still he couldnt know how to clone since he just go t the game.. anway thats Crazytalk