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Goodbye for now

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Lightning Lucario

Snowball Fight !!!
Hey everyone I'll be going for now but don't worry : I'll be back at the end of the year.

Goodbye for now. :(


Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Good bye. Why are you leaving?

Sparky:Electric Guardian

< Me and Pokedolls
Because we're on exams.(We're friends from school)



Sorry, but we don't care. You could have just gone without saying anything, and more than likely, no one would have noticed. Harsh, but true.

Sparky:Electric Guardian

< Me and Pokedolls
Maybe you don't care but her friends may care for her;maybe that's why she's saying goodbye.



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I'll be going for now but don't worry : I'll be back at the end of the year.

Goodbye for now. :(


And you are...

O well good luck w/ your exams. 1


Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but we don't care. You could have just gone without saying anything, and more than likely, no one would have noticed. Harsh, but true.
Was there any need for that?

Good luck with your exams, you two. Hope to see you back on here in 2007. :)

Sparky:Electric Guardian

< Me and Pokedolls
Good luck with your exams, you two. Hope to see you back on here in 2007. :)

At least someone that we don't know cares for us.Thank you !!!


RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
These topics aren't allowed. You want to tell your friends where you are going, change your sig or PM them. The rest of us really don't give a toss.
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