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Google Translater

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Take a normal, everyday post and take it to the google translater page (http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en) Then, translate it into any language, and then back into english. Post the original message and the 'translated' message.



Fuse a Shedinha with a Parichu!

'Translated' to German:

A Shedinha with a Parichu fix!

Goodness Gravy Me

<How about dat?
Why do I even Bother?
Google translate to Korean and back again
B it does why annoyingly even?

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
I lolled at this one.

"Wurmple's are mighty, aren't they, Mr. Bike?"

To German And Back

"Wurmple's of acres mighty, aren't they, Mr. Bike?"

I mean, acres mighty?? o_O


If only...
This game is fun

To and from Itialian

This game is divertimento


Well-Known Member
Apples are purple and somebody killed a basking shark.

{Translated to German and back:}

Apples are magenta red and someone killed a aalenden shark fish.

Zero Nexus

Stand up, go for it

i love pie


i love foot

0______________________________________0 W.T.F??????????!!!!!!!!!!!

what does foot have to do with pie?!?!?!

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
hi miguel!how are you?
*translates to portusguse*

Hi miguel! como é você?


Stabby McStabface
Original: I like eating raw banana with grape sauce

Translated to Italian and re-translated

I appreciate to eat the crude banana with the sauce of the grape

Crude-banana? xD


this looks awesome!!!!!

original- sableye is the facist owner of nazi puppies
translated to russian
translation-sableye facist owns Nazi puppy

not that much of a difference :(

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
You are Stupid beyond comparison

~Translated and back~

You are stupid beyond the comparison

I'll do another, since that wasn't funny.

~Translated and back~

I will do others, since that were not funny.


Born This Way
Hi, I am LuciRuki. This game is I guess fun.
To Italian
Hi, is LuciRuki. This game is I fortune teller the divertimento.


SPPF's Castlevanic
I'll try:

Mewtoo is a way better name than mewtwo.
v to portuguese.
Mewtoo é um nome melhor da maneira do que o mewtwo.
v back to english.
Mewtoo is a better name in the way of what mewtwo.
I wonder why strange things come up when you translate sentences and translate them back.
v to german.
Wundere ich, mich warum merkwürdige Sachen kommen herauf, wenn du Sätze übersetzt und sie zurück übersetzt.
v back to english.
I surprise, me why strange things come up, if you sentences translated and she translates back.

she??? XD
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