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omg i just can't beat him! i try but stupid shadow storm kills all my pkmn. here is my team and i need help!

Lv. 33 BAltoy

selfdestruct (XD comes in handy)

Lv. 34 Shiftry

Giga Drain
bullet seed
secret power

Lv. 34 Espeon


Lv. 32 Sealeo

Ice beam
aurora beam
body slam
water gun

Lv. 32 Hondooum

Fire blast
faint attack

Lv. 35 Electabuzz

ice punch
cross chop
fire punch

please help me!

XD002 Icemewtwo

Well I can't help you even though I beat the game just watch out for Primape and Hypno!


Well-Known Member
Evolve baltoy and use a flying type. His strategy is the cliche protect-EQ. Fortunetly for you, IIRC, his pokemon don't give much damage w/ un stabbed EQ. I don't sealeo or slowking giving much damage with EQ. Blast them off w/ TB and use a fighting move for larion. I don't remember his other normal pokemon.


Eh, ragazzo!
If you haven't purified Shadow Arbok, you can Glare each of his Shadows and you can use Shadow Half to half each of their hit points. Even if you have purified it you can use Glare and use decent attacks. I beat this guy lots of times when trying to get my ideal Hypno. If anybody remember, my avitar used to be a Hypno, that said "My Hypno is Calm". I myself, have already purified Arbok when I fought this guy.


Well-Known Member
It's ursaring.

Anyway, try giving your pokes some better moves. If a pokémon has 2 moves of the same type, get rid of the weaker one for something else. For example, get rid of Espeon's confusion for something else, maybe Reflect.
You may also want to level up your team a little. Try going to Mt. Battle or fighting in colosseums. Get all your pokémon to level 35 or so, try to get Baltoy to level 36 so it can evolve. Lastly, make you have some restorative items and ultra balls.


Oh so that's what it means...
This is the typical strategy to beat gorigan... When he's using protect+earthquake make sure you have a pokemon immune to earthquake out and one not immune. He'll use protect+quake, so switch out the unimmume one and you get a free attack with the immune one. Alternately you can paralyze/sleep one of his pokemon, and it will either 1. try to earthquake while the other protects 2. Try to protect while the other quakes.


Powerful_Blaziken88 said:
You may also want to level up your team a little. Try going to Mt. Battle or fighting in colosseums. Get all your pokémon to level 35 or so.

Darn, that was going to be my suggestion. Yes, for the lvls he has with his Pokemon, lvl yours up evenly so that they are at least 2+ lvls higher than his. Go do Mt. Battle at least. Going over the areas repeatively will allow you to get Poke Coupons. I would get Ice Beam and Psychic for your Baltoy. I always used Ice Beam for it. For some strange reason...


Then again you could just stack up on change, buy hyper beam/fireblast/thunder/blizzard and reset whenever one misses. I'm serious, that's what I did once.


I did that too when I was younger and had Blue Version. I did that to my Rhydon, with Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Thunder, and Blizzard.

Hey, I have autism, but not a severe case of it. It's just that when I was younger, I wasn't thinking too entirely smart. I did that Rhydon moveset to play Stadium 1's Prime Battles; and it worked XD

But when I got older, I strategized more on these types of games and learn from experience. Just like normal human would do ;)

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Naraku_Diabolos said:
I did that too when I was younger and had Blue Version. I did that to my Rhydon, with Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Thunder, and Blizzard.

Hey, I have autism, but not a severe case of it. It's just that when I was younger, I wasn't thinking too entirely smart. I did that Rhydon moveset to play Stadium 1's Prime Battles; and it worked XD

But when I got older, I strategized more on these types of games and learn from experience. Just like normal human would do ;)
I don't think it has anything to do with autism.... probably just newbieitis... I had my Blastoie with bubble, watergun, hydropump and surf!

I am about to face Gorigon now, luckily my snorunt knows protect and I have Lunatone so I should be fine...


Sherlock Shuckle said:
I don't think it has anything to do with autism.... probably just newbieitis...

LOL Yeah, I guess you're right about that.
this can be closed... i beat gorigan! i stuffed sealeo in a pc and took out my shadow zangoose who knew crush claw, counter, s. rush, and sumtin else. i snagged hypno but that stupid ursaring killed primeape with EQ. now i am at citadark! i just beat snattle! yay me!

XD002 Icemewtwo

Hey good job my friend is as far as you nice work have you beat Ardos yet I can help you with him!
no, i JUST beat snattle and am outiside the dome. btw where is the next healing machine and pc in the dome? i turned the game off on the intersection of the 2 elevators. in the distance i THINK it looked like ardos blocking the way and another elevator. is that ardos? is he the one wit salamence? where does the elevator go? when will i battle gorigan? [/desprate1223]

XD002 Icemewtwo

1. yep that is ardos
2. go down the elevator that snattle was guarding to reach the bottom which has the healing center
3. Gorigan is right after ardos
4. You will have to fight 1 more cipher peon to get eldes (ardos's brother)
5. no he doesn't have salamence he has Swellow and Snorlax!
Question solved!
almost the next healing center is right after ardos!
Ps: Greevil will put up a barrier to prevent you from getting further in the dome!
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ok thanks a lot i was just training in Realgam... here is my team.

Lv. 40 Claydol (yay finally evolved!)

Psybeam (gonna replace with pyschic when i get enuff pokecoopons)
Cosmic Power

Lv. 39 Shiftry

Giga Drain wit maxxed out PP (8)
bullet seed
secret power

Lv. 41 Espeon


Lv. 41 Electabuzz

fire and ice punch
cross chop

Lv. 39 Hondooum

fire blast
faint attack

Lv. 39 Sealeo

ice beam
aurora beam
water gun
body slam

is that 6, lemme see... yup. is this enuff to beat the rest? or do i need more training at realgam?
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