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Got a smidgeon of a problem.


New Member
I'll start by saying "I'm new" and "Hi Everybody" and all that.

The problemo I seem to have is regarding the IV calculator here on Serebii.net. On it, it quite clearly states that you can File>Save as... to use it at any time offline. That's wonderful, but the problem I've got is my computer at home isn't on the net (I only get online at work) and so I thought I could save the web-page onto my memory stick and then take it home to use.

It didn't work.

The script (or something else) just doesn't do anything when I try to open it on my home PC. This means if I want to calculate my IVs I'm gonna have to (for the time being) do it at work, which just isn't practical.

Anyone able to help me out with this?

EDIT:- Loada replies :p thanks for making me feel welcomed ;)

Anways, messed around with my IE settings a bit at home and fixed my problem, so this can just be considered a "hi" post now.

Doubt I'll be around much, but I'll turn up from time to time...
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