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Got Miltank? (209)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Got Miltank?

After being hurt in battle with Team Rocket, Cyndaquil decides to go off on it's own, to a Legendary spring that no man has ever seen. Ash, worried decides to help and Team Rocket go to find Meowth. Can they find it and not ruin the tranquil paradise?

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This was one of my favourite. That Pokemon Valley was nice to see, and as usual your typical Team Rocket get caught in a Parade of Exeggutors. XD.


Team Awesome
I really love this episode. I like any episode where Team Rocket (or even just one of its members) is done in a positive way. I like how Meowth stands against Jessie and James to keep them from taking miltank, and even his pokemon teammates join in. I like how even the twerps took notice. This was definitely a great Meowth episode. :)

5/5 for me.


Team Awesome
I really love this episode. I like any episode where Team Rocket (or even just one of its members) is done in a positive way. I like how Meowth stands against Jessie and James to keep them from taking miltank, and even his pokemon teammates join in. I like how even the twerps took notice. This was definitely a great Meowth episode. :)

5/5 for me.

Blaziken master

This is a pretty good ep for a johto filler,Miltank sounded pretty creepy in this episode.Meowth got a pretty good role defending the spring


God of Fusions
Ahhh well that certainly is an awsome episode!!!

P.S. Is it just me or does everyone like the Joe?


Ash fan girl! Cute!
Wow Meowth rocked in this episode. And I loved how Ash noticed that Meowth was willing to help him. I wish Meowth/Jessie and James would join the gang. This is def one of my favorite Meowth episodes.


Turnabout Pokemon
Lol, the title of this episode is so cheesy! XD

I vaguely remember some parts of it, but not the entire thing. At this point, I had given up on the Johto series and very rarily saw an episode of it until it got to the end with the League. Meowth was pretty great in this episode, but he's had better ones with him in the lime light. So, I'd give this episode...an above average rating.


Well-Known Member
A good episode I loved seeing Meowth and TR's other Pokemon turn on them for the sake of protecting the oasis.


Palette Professor
I thought it was really touching seeing all the pokemon work together to save the oasis :D


200% Quality Poster
so....does anyone got miltank?:p

On Topic: this was a great ep. also the oasis part was touching!:D


kiss my greens
I really love this episode. I like any episode where Team Rocket (or even just one of its members) is done in a positive way. I like how Meowth stands against Jessie and James to keep them from taking miltank, and even his pokemon teammates join in. I like how even the twerps took notice. This was definitely a great Meowth episode. :)

I agree entirely. Even though I felt that it was a bit OOC of Meowth, he really responds well to kindness ^_^ It's nice to see him playing the part of the hero & standing up to Jessie and James for once.