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Got Silk?

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
Has anyone here heard of Card Master? It 'twas and still is) one of two Pokemon manga based on the TCG, feel free to post any info on it you know, manga guides, character bios, or just general chat on it and Energy Card its PTCG breatheren!

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
Never heard of it, care to post a little summary or something like that?

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
I thought that Master Card was a credit card related thingy.

Master Cards are an entirely different topic. Card Master is one of two manga series based on the Pokemon TCG games for the GBC and/ or GB. Master Cards are the type of thing you use to buy them with. Fairly close names, entirely different topics! Does anyone on the forums own this manga? I remeber seeing a picture for it on Dogasu's Backpack and a sign saying coming soon but the manga never came! Sorry, that's all I've managed to dig up...


Well-Known Member
This sounds like some promotinal manga that they put in magazines form time to time to advertize a game (such as the mistery dungon one curently runing in nintendo power)