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Gradius : My idea for a pokemon game


Well-Known Member
Decided to start after seeing Topaz Archer's idea.

Takes place on either Wii or future system.Graphics are better than Battle Revolution. There are a few towns and cities.

1) You are a former member of an evil organization and your starting pokemon is based off of which team U wish to play as.
Rocket : Meowth or Ratatta (random)
Magma : Houndour
Aqua : Carvanna
Cipher : one of the D/P fossil pokemon (random)
Galaxy : Solrock or Lunatone (random)
2) Battles
either >> regular turn based
>> Move around battlefield and launch attacks by pressing different buttons. By pressing a certain button, you can fly in the air with a flying type, dive underwater with a water type, or dig underground with a pokemon that can. Certain attacks can be used by doing this : dive=underwater , dig =underground , Fly or Sky Attack=in the air. All other attacks that launch after two turns will only launch after you hold down the launch attack key for a certain amount of time. Stronger attacks need more time. Recharge attacks make the user unable to attack untill the opponent has launched three attacks.

3) capture
pokemon walk around in certain areas, to battle them, just run up and talk to them, they move around and walk away making it even harder to catch

press catch button and the game will pause while the pokeball is thrown.

4) HMs
-Rock Climb
These attacks will overcome obstacles in the game. You will recieve pokemon that can learn these moves before you recieve them.


SOON TO COME : sections and missions

darkydude o doom

great idea you should make your own pokemon and region tho


< That's me! Hello!
No offence intended but I don't really like this idea... I hate being a former member of an evil orginazation and knowing it. (Colloseum was okay up until they revealed that you were once a part of team Snagem.) And I simply hate evil. If this were made, I would overlook it without a second thought. No offence though... This is my humble opinion.

Digital Flareon

aka Ignis Solus
If it involves repentance, kicking the unwiped butt of evil, involving gameplay, some type of multiplayer(with Wi-Fi), and a story line where someone might die, then I'm in, but I'll join in anyway.

I like the starter ideas you got, I'd go with either Magma, Aqua, or Galaxy. This type of game is one we might see in the future after all Gamefreak has finished making generations of Pokemon. I'd love to see them try out a 3D game!