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Grave Ohja Burn

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I'm playtesting this deck.


Grave ohja
Grave ohja
Grave ohja
Des lacooda
Des lacooda
Des lacooda
Swarm of scarabs
Swarm of scarabs
Swarm of scarabs
Swarm of locusts
Swarm of locusts
Swarm of locusts
Medusa worm
Cyber jar
Breaker the magical warrior
D.D. Warrior lady


Level limit area B
Level limit area B
Smashing ground
Smashing ground
Premature burial
Heavy storm
Mystical space typhoon
Swords of revealing light
Nobleman of crossout
Snatch steal
Lightning vortex
Book of moon
Book of taiyou
Card destruction
Dark hole


Gravity bind
Gravity bind
Call of the haunted
Torrential tribute
Royal decree
Sakuretsu armor
Bottomless trap hole
Dust tornado



Tsukuyomi... For the first time this is really obvious out of all my tsuku suggestions... Why no Stealth Birds or Messenger of Peaces...?


Even maybe Golem Sentry or Guardian Sphinx
You have too many traps for Royal Decree
7/10 or 3.5/5 which rounds to 4/5


Guardian Sphinx Forces you to play Grave Ohja over and over and you'd only have one at a time whereas if you focused on keeping all three maximum burn... and STEALTH BIRDS are awesome here...
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