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Great Bowls Of Fire! (255)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Great Bowls Of Fire

The Dragonite is going on a rampage, however Ash's Charizard has appeared and Ash decides to use it to try and calm the Dragonite and stop it from its Destruction Spree. Can they succeed?

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Team Awesome
This is definitely one of the more powerful dramatic episodes. It's interesting to see Team Rocket get assistance from a powerful pokemon, but the consequences of what happens when dragonite finds out the truth are devastating. It really makes me feel for it. :( It's sort of like what happened with Celebi and the forest in the fourth movie, after it was largely destroyed by The Masked Marauder's device and Celebi. Dragonite's tears really make me feel for it.


I loved this episode very much. It was wonderfully animated. The battles were amazing and explosive. This episode is as good as a movie. It was also pretty sad.

Blaziken master

This is definetely a fave episodes.It had that explosive feel to it and I was glad to see charizard back to fight dragonite.It was also the first time I saw Misty's politoed,so it was a real treat of a episode.


To know the unkown
Who else thought TR stole the show?
I thought it was funny to see TR down at Ash's knees praising him. Ironic, hmm. Also, great performances by Rachel and Eric, ranging from really determined, to outright fright. One of the bright spots in the pre-digital eps of season 5. And I have the whole season on DVD.

Ashy Boy

Paul's #1 Rival
It was predictable to see Jessie not wanting to take the blame for what she, James and Meowth did.


Ash fan girl! Cute!
I thought this episode was kind of odd, but I did like it any ways. It was funny seeing James/Mowth/Jessie at Ash foot praising him LOL Silly Ash. I liked the fights, and the animation was indeed nice.


I'm A Magikarp
one of my favourite episodes. because as you may guess im a charizard fan. plus i thought charizard acted better in this episode then normal although i want to know, who keeps charizards pokeball, prof. oak or um what her name... lol

pokemon fan 132

Well-Known Member
I absolutely loved this episode.Everything was quite dramatic and i felt sorry for Dragonite when he find out the thruth.Not to mention battles were epic and i liked that Ashs Charizard join to him for awhile.Both his Charizard and Clairs Dragonair were quite impressive in battle against Dragonite who seemed like nothing can stop him.

Of course Team Rocket managed like always to ruin everything.They will never learn.


kiss my greens
The return of Charizard! 8D

That Dragonite was awesome! I felt kinda bad for it... both Dragonair and Charizard had to battle it. Well, everything worked out quite well in the end ^_^


this one was also one of my favorite episodes among the master quest series though i allways find one thing strange, why is charizard licking ash like a dog dodes when they are happy to see you? i find that a bit strange for a lizard to be honest.


Trainer Trainer
Did anyone pick-up on what brock said?

Brock: (see's Charizard with Charla and say's) Can it be that I'm the only one who hasn't found love?



Grass Pokemon Expert
I thought this was a fantastic episode. I was glad that Charizard was able to come and help Ash, Misty, Brock, Clair, and Kaburagi from Team Rocket and Dragonite. It was interesting to me how Dragonite assisted Team Rocket with the Dragon Fang. However, if they didn't try to swipe the Prayer Flame, they might have gotten away. I thought that the battle between Dragonite and Charizard was good. It was sad to see Dragonite after it realized what it did to its home though. I was surprised to see that Clair and Liza knew each other.


Aspiring Guitarist
Omg poor dragonite...:(

It used to be so peacefull...

Stupid team rocket :mad:

At least charizard stopped it :)