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Great War against the Shadow Pokemon Discussion Thread

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Enflamed to the end
very true but i almost ended it when i said to split up and train alone for a while i would think that furret would end it and restart it after the training was over but it didnt work that way


mia san mia
I'm not restrating the Shadow Pokemon War. Don't even consider that. But I am making a Sequel. Plus, The Shadow Tree will be in the Sequel so its not dying in the 1st RP, Shadow. Oh, btw, thank you Burnt Shadow for creating that evil Tree. I guarentee that Tree is a MAIN character in both RP. It also has ALMOST EVERYTHING to do with the ending of the 1st RP. That Tree was the perfect idea. ^_^


Enflamed to the end
*stands up and claps*

everyone give shadow a round of applause


Enflamed to the end
no im being completely serious *not sarcastic for this statment*


Enflamed to the end
yea that did seem like sarcasim but it wasnt *even thoe i love to use sarcasim* if i do sarcasim around you ill put it in italics


Enflamed to the end
its almost over *frowns* oh well time for da sequal


Enflamed to the end
:-D im ready for the sequal when ever you make it


Enflamed to the end
ill see if spidey will do it but you have to ask him telepathicly thoe

so if it ends does that mean all the characters are stuck where they last were


Enflamed to the end
im getting mew to teleport the big army steelix mew arcanine and totodile made to birth island then hes goign to teleport you to the death tree


Enflamed to the end
so as soon as mew tele ports furret to the death tree its over
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