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Great War against the Shadow Pokemon Discussion Thread

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mia san mia
Yup. The story will End. I will post one last time after Mew teleports me to the Death Tree


<--Kitty farts
You know, I was ganna die too, but steelix saved me...
Oh well, guess your just the first one to die...
I want to die now that furret is dead...unless what i think will happen wont...
then i would like to be alive...
or would i?*hides from mental doctors trying to take him in for saying "I wanted to die first"*
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Enflamed to the end
it was a real good ending

and i left it as a cliff hanger for steelix and azu as well


Enflamed to the end
i put the end on the rpg to show it ended the first part


Enflamed to the end
wow its over and all those ppl were so mad at us for going to fast and now its over


Enflamed to the end
yea thte shadow tree was a good idea but how did mewtwo get un shadowed?


^^Awesome sprite
My opinion is that in the seaqual, each peson should control 2 or more pokemon. It would be cooler that way.
(PS I don't think mewtwo got purifyd)


Enflamed to the end
we kinda did that in this rpg lugia mew and i controled the water guard azu has clover and furret had his friends arcanine had the legendary dogs


Enflamed to the end
wow furret died a horrible death i just realised you changed it


Enflamed to the end
probably we kinda did that in this rpg too cause we kinda did control the resistance


Enflamed to the end
i kinda left azu clover and steelix in a cliff hanger as well
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