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Green Grass (Contestshippy [[PG]])

Another CONTESTSHiPPiNG one-shot... by moi! =]]

Green Grass
Contestshippy One-shot
Pages on Word: 2 and a bit

[[Haruka’s POV]]

I remember a lot about my past. Curling up on top of the air-conditioning vents on hot summer days, cuddling up with my Achamo on chilly winter evenings, running across the emerald green grass in the spring, Coordinating, and meeting him.

That was the day I’d always remember. When I met Shuu.

“What do you want?” I snarled, as Shuu stalked over. He merely smirked and flicked his emerald-coloured hair out of his green eyes, which penetrated my sapphire orbs. The look sent electric shocks through me.

“Can’t I come wish my rival good luck?” Shuu said after a few minutes, flicking a single perfect red rose in my direction. I caught it in my hand, staring down at the expert way the thorns had been trimmed off.

“Seriously though, good luck, Haruka.” Shuu smirked, “You’re going to need it.” He casually waved and walked away. Emotions and thoughts played through my head, like a movie that never ended. I knew I’d never be able to tell him. I stood as the announcer of the Judaiko Town (Koruna Region), Stacey, called me to the stage to appeal.

“Let’s go, Enekororo!” I cried, plastering a fake smile on my face and twirling as I released my Pokemon. My maroon and cream coloured cat Pokemon landed with a soft meow, her ears pricked.

“Start it off with blizzard!” I called, and Enekororo let the shards of ice fly. After that I ordered an assist, and Bursyamo’s flamethrower shot out, heating the ice to a nice yellow orange colour. Then, I called for another assist, and Bursyamo’s hyper beam wound its way intricately through the fiery shards of ice, blowing them into the crowd. As the ice flew through the air, they cooled and fell harmlessly to the floor.

“Beautiful! What do our judges have to say?” Stacey called, and she turned to face the judges, Sorao, Sayori, and Kuruyo.

“Splendid use of ice, fire, hyper beam. A unique appeal, to say in the least.” Sorao said, and put his score up on the screen. 10.

“That was a simply amazing way of merging ice and fire.” Sayori grinned. She put up her score- 9.5.

“That was an icy appeal, warmed with fiery grace, and made unique with the use of hyper beam.” Kuruyo announced, and put up her score. 10.

“And so, Haruka’s score is 29.5!” Stacey cried, and I returned Enekororo and bowed. I felt my fake smile ebbing away, replaced by a real smile. I bounced off the stage, happiness in every fiber of my being. I heard Shuu being called to the stage, so I rushed back to the Coordinator’s lobby, my brown hair flying behind me. What I saw in Shuu’s appeal was one I had never seen in my whole sixteen years on this Earth. It combined the beauty of water with the grace of flying. His Amemoth showed grace and poise in his appeal.

“And Shuu’s final score is 29.7!” Stacey announced. My head drooped. Shuu had scored higher than me. I lifted my head at his voice.

“So, are you going to give up now, before you lose?” He asked, smirking.

“No, because it’s YOU who’s going to be losing!” I yelled, jumping to my feet, anger burning like fire in my sapphire eyes. Shuu lifted his hands in front of him, as if holding off an attack from me.

“Hey, chill out! I was just teasing.” Shuu muttered, and he turned and walked away.

“And our finalists are- Shuu, Haruka, Haarii, and Kakuri!” Stacey’s voice echoed through the room, “Will Shuu and Kakuri report to stage one?” I saw Shuu’s emerald head leave the room. I crossed my fingers, willing him to win. I wanted to battle him. I needed to battle him.

I sat watching the match, where Amemoth evaded Kakuri’s Ohsubame’s every attack, finally winning by using water gun.

“Will Haruka and Haarii report to stage two?” Came Stacey’s voice again. I stood and brushed past Shuu on my way out, maybe being a bit more violent than necessary. I saw him rubbing his shoulder out of the corner of my eye. I stepped up onto the stage, Enekororo’s Pokeball in my hand.

“Let’s go, Noctus!” Haarii’s girly voice called out, his outfit matching his Pokemon, green, spiky, and vicious looking.

“Come on, Enekororo!” I cried, releasing the Pokemon that had won me many contests.

“Enek!” Enekororo called, pawing the stage in a horse-like fashion.

“Assist!” I shouted, as Haarii ordered his Noctus to use needle arm. The assist came out as Gonbe’s protect, and Noctus’ attack bounced back towards him, and Haarii’s points dropped.

“Try an assist again!” I called, as Haarii demanded another needle arm. This time the assist came out as Bursyamo’s flamethrower, and it hit Noctus head on. Noctus fell back, swirls in his eyes.

“And Shuu and Haruka will proceed to stage three!” Stacey’s excitement echoed in her voice. I returned my Enekororo, but not after giving her a max potion. Then, we proceeded to stage three. There, I would face the person I had to prove myself to. Shuu stood on the other side, his usual smirk in place.

“Five minutes on the clock. GO!” Stacey shouted.

“Let’s wipe that smirk off his face, Enekororo!” I cried, twirling as I released Enekororo again.

“Amemoth.” Shuu said lazily, releasing the large bug. The fake eyes on his upper wings made Enekororo cringe.

“Come on, Enekororo, blizzard!” The icy shards traveled towards Amemoth, and he moved too late. The attack hit the bug head on, dropping Shuu’s points.

“Water gun!” Amemoth obliged, and the chilly water sped towards Enekororo.

“Dodge!” I cried. The attack landed inches from my feet, sending a small wave of icy water into my shoes.

“Assist!” This time, Gonbe’s crunch came out of this, and large teeth clamped down on Amemoth. Shuu’s points dropped even more. I took a quick glance at the clock, and saw five seconds remaining.

“Let’s get another blizzard in there!” I ordered, as Shuu called for another water gun. The attacks collided in mid air, and smoke engulfed the stage. I coughed, and when the smoke cleared, Amemoth had fainted.

“And the winner is Haruka!” Stacey screamed into the microphone, her blonde hair falling in her face. Shuu returned Amemoth and walked off the stage as Stacey handed me my ribbon. I thanked her, and returning Enekororo, I raced after the boy.

“Shuu!” I yelled, emboldened by my win, “Shuu, wait!” He stopped, inches from the doorway.
“What?” He asked, frowning. I stood up on my tiptoes, and feeling really brave, kissed him.

“Good luck in the next contest. You’re going to need it.” I whispered, then tried to go past him. But Shuu grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

“I’ve got the best luck in the world.” He murmured, his lips touching mine again, “You.”



What do you think???

~MK ;258;

ACHAMO- TORCHIC [[POKEMON (Haruka's- now a Bursyamo)]]
BURSYAMO- BLAZIKEN [[POKEMON (Haruka's, evolved from Achamo)]]


New Member
That was really brave of may and i'm happy drew kissed her back but since all of that was a flashback, i have a question in mind.....are they together in the present? ( all of a sudden i am starting to think^^)
Overall, no mistakes and it was really cute~!
That was really brave of may and i'm happy drew kissed her back but since all of that was a flashback, i have a question in mind.....are they together in the present? ( all of a sudden i am starting to think^^)
Overall, no mistakes and it was really cute~!

I think this will be more of a Two-shot than a one-shot.

It might have a sequel.

Maybe. Possibly.

So, uh, yeah.

Thankies. I'm glad you like it. =]]

~MK ;258;


Don't leave me!
Mudkip, you've done it again. You've sent me shivvering in my seat and squeeling with utter joy!!! :D It's people like you and fics like this that got me so wraveled into contestshipping! *And shouting "HINT!!!" at the TV at a CS hint...*


An old PS luva!
Lol, don't think I can improve much on flygonrulz 's post cos I feel exactly the same way!! This fic is just amazing and please let me know if you make it a 2 shotter!

Mudkip, you've done it again. You've sent me shivvering in my seat and squeeling with utter joy!!! :D It's people like you and fics like this that got me so wraveled into contestshipping! *And shouting "HINT!!!" at the TV at a CS hint...*

Heck yes!!! *bows* [[*Elvis voice*]] Thank ya, thank ya very much. I'm glad you like it. [[I'll let you know if it becomes a two-shot.]]

Lol, don't think I can improve much on flygonrulz 's post cos I feel exactly the same way!! This fic is just amazing and please let me know if you make it a 2 shotter!


*bows again* Thank you, I'm glad you like this ficcy!!! I will let you know if it becomes a two-shot! Which it probably will!

~MK ;258;