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Greenave Town

The starter city for the region of Marenic.



The ladder behind the trees is this regions unknown dungeon.
After you beat the elite 4 , the middle tree is gone and you go though.
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it looks really nice
just needs some fine tuning is all (some trees are oddly placed together)
my only complaint: i don't really like having the two different types of trees in that one area. maybe if the wide trees were green..?

good job, though


it looks really nice
just needs some fine tuning is all (some trees are oddly placed together)
my only complaint: i don't really like having the two different types of trees in that one area. maybe if the wide trees were green..?

good job, though

Agreed. I don't like the fact that two trees are put together, and most trees don't look placed right. But, overall, it's a great map! ^_^ Are you a beginner, because the map is good for a start.