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Greetings! XD


<-- I now own. =D
I feel that I have never properly introduced myself, so here I am! XD Unfortunately, I have never been good with self introductions, so give me a while to think of something to say. = P


Team Magma Captain
Welcome to the forum and hope you have a nice stay, read the rules, dont spam, if you need a friend just ask me.

I was not really too good with intruducing myself either, but you get over that as time goes by.


The Anticool
hey, don't sweat it. I never introduced myself at all! :)
If you wanna be friends, feel free to send me a PM!

Mystic Penguin

Attack my Penguins!!
i need help with my avatar/sig stuff can som1 help me? or should i post elsewhere?
o ya ive been here only 3 days
Hiya! Read the rules (again), check out the stickied threads, make friends and have fun. If you need a friend, or any help at all, PM me!