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Dr. Mack Foxx

Veteran Trainer
Hello, everyone! Dr. Foxx is the name, fan-fiction is the game. Someone on another forum said there was a great fan-fic community here, so I decided to join. Besides fan-fics I also do some ametuer animation and, every once in awhile, some fan-art. Anyway, I'm looking forward to being a part of the community.


Eevee of the day.
Hey There! Read the rules and- COOL!!! You got your own website-thing!... takes awhile to load. Hmmm... why does your name seem familiar?

Taylor Ray

Newest shiny
Hello read the rules have fun and make some new friends that's what its all abtou here at SPPF. PM me if you have any questins or want to be friends.

Dr. Mack Foxx

Veteran Trainer
Thanks for the welcome!

Hey There! Read the rules and- COOL!!! You got your own website-thing!... takes awhile to load. Hmmm... why does your name seem familiar? -Pikavee

Yeah. Tripod tends to be kinda slow. Perhaps you've seen my name elsewhere? Newgrounds, The Pokemon Tower, PokeCommunity or DeviantArt, perhaps?


-swampert used gasp!
grettings! have fun here,Read the rules (they know where you live! xD )pm me if you wanna be friends,and join my club (it's in my sig)


The new tuxedo look!
Hello, read the rules, have fun, PM me if you want any or acombination of these three things: help, friendship or a cool image to put in your sig.

P.S. = my sig has loads of helpful things in it.


Hiyas, welcome to SPPf! Since you say that you have been in other forums, then I'm pretty sure you know the rules here as well. =D

Anyway, have a great time here, and I'll see you around!


An Original Trainer
Hi!Im new to!

Dr. Mack Foxx

Veteran Trainer
Again, thank you everyone for a nice welcome! This is certainly the best Poke'mon forum I've come across so far [The others include PokeCommunity and PokemonCity (Which no longer exists)]. Dunsparce (Author of Coherence) was kind enough to direct me here, saying this forum was a great place for fan-fiction. He was certainly right! I hope people are enjoying my story so far. I wonder if there's a Gardevoir Fan Club of sorts here.