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Ruby & Gold fangirl~
o.o Hello, fellow not-afraid-to-admit-they-still-love-pokemon-ers!

I'm Rhea, and I'm new here.
I've been internet-ing for a good 4-5 years, so I already know very well how to type, proper Internet edicate and the like.

I've been Pokemon-ing since gold, but I watched the anime in grade one.
(I dislike the anime, now, though ;A; )

Recently, I've been bored so I restarted Leaf Green. Then I didn't want to battle the rockets under celedon so I restarted Sapphire.

That unlocked Rheas-flamingly-Pokemaniac mode. (As well as my Ruby Fangirlism I dislike to admit)
I've been in it since Tuesday.
I've also been reading scans of Pokespecial because its just boss, but I've been having to ask a friend (Who has like, all the volumes so far in Japanese -shakes fist at California from Canada- )

o.o So, enough about me, Hello!

...one question..!
is there a way to get a custom avatar on here?
The ones here are all fine 'n dandy, but I'd like to be original~


I love Dara <3
Hello! Welcome to the forums ^_^ You cant get a custom avatar here. Sorry ^_^;; PM me if you need help or want to be friends


Ruby &amp; Gold fangirl~
o_o Oh I see.

Alrighty, then! Thank you for awnsering my question!


Ruby &amp; Gold fangirl~
u can but u have to be a mod. and dont ask how u become a mod.
I relize that. If you read my first post, You'd see I've been on the internet for like, 5 years.
It's like that on practicly every forum.

Sorry for the rudeness.