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Greggle Greatest pokemon ever?


Beginning Trainer
After the last 2 episodes i have been really impressed by the little frog/toad thingy. the pervyness he has and the sheer brillance of how he acts and well just the way he looks, if he was all cute it wouldnt have the same affect his so ugly his cute in a way =).

So what do you think of are little friend?

i belive his greatest thing in pokemon since well ever.

Korobooshi Kojiro

He certainly is the greatest thing that has happened to Brock.

He is probably, next to Moss of Kippa the greatest Pokemon of the main characters at the moment.

He has a awesome voice, a slowly "gre" sound, and then he'll make a "tchh" noise when he does something.

He is one of the best designed Pokemon of the 4th Gen, and even his evo has managed to impress me.

He reminds me of Kururu from Sgt. Frog, meaning he rocks.

And he is a pervert. And by god, we need one of those!


King of pirates
I want him to evolve
A perverted frog? Wow...reminds me of Naruto. Anyway, I love Greggle! Finally a pokemon fit for Brock! Just seeing it in the Mimirol episode is awesome enough. Hopefully it will have a lot of screentime because I really think Greggle is a strong pokemon with a great personality!


King of pirates
Brock better not let him rot in his pokeball.


Yeah, ok!
Greggle is almost always looking up Hikari's skirt every time it's near her. Just look at all the opening and ending shots.

I love how the writers are getting away with it too, that perverted frog is bloody brillaint.

Just think of all the disturbing fanart you'll find of Hikari x Greggle online now, especially since frogs have long tongues. >_<


King of pirates
dont get your hopes up because we had high hopes for mudkip but it didnt
have much sceen time.


Perverted Ash fan
Greggle is a ninja!

A perverted ninja which loves to poison its trainer in the gut and then drag him away to do god-knows-what.

I love that thing.


Well-Known Member
When I first saw said pokemon in the serebii pokedex I thought it was the ugliest pokemon they've ever created. Now that he's on the show for sure after being captured by Brock, he's actually one of the best main character's pokemon next to the crazy Masukippa and flirtatious Mimiorou. The fact that he is perveted makes him that much better! Let's just hope he doesn't dissapear in Brock's collection of rarely shown pokemon...


Thank you, SPPf! :)
It's far and away the best Pokemon on the current main cast, that's for sure. I'd even go as far as to say it's Brock's most entertaining Pokemon ever. I mean, let's face it. All of Brock's previous Pokemon besides Bonsly were completely devoid of personality, and Bonsly's only personality is being obnoxious.

And the way it just blankly glares at everything...you know it's going to kill something or someone eventually.


King of the Monsters
Dam i have not seen the eps yet as i can't find them on YT however from the pictures i have seen he looks cool.

Althought he outshines Max at the ear poulling by taking it to a whole new level. I have hoping for no ear pulling this series. Oh Well.

Lets hope he battles oftern.

Korobooshi Kojiro

dont get your hopes up because we had high hopes for mudkip but it didnt
have much sceen time.

Mudkip didn't show any interesting traits...like, ever.

Just think of all the disturbing fanart you'll find of Hikari x Greggle online now, especially since frogs have long tongues. >_<

Too late! Heheh!

(if I could take screenshots, I'd show you people who can't see the ending the perv scenes in questions)


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Download VLC Player. It has a snapshot feature. (I'd do it, but I already deleted the episode for memory issues)


King of pirates
It would be a powerhouse.


Perverted Ash fan


King of pirates
perviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. stop looking up my skirt.


King of pirates
yeah. because he is a weird perve.


Thunder Pokemon User
I think he would be really great for Brock to use in his contest battles(if he goes back) and he'll probably go on to being Brock's strongest pokemon in this season.(hope it evolves too)