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Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza Club

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Welcome!This is the Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza Club> Where we talk about everything about the trio. If you’re a fan of any of them, then your welcome to join. But tell which one is your favorite (BUT PLEASE PICK ONE ) The sprites are the members favorite legendary, they don’t mean anything else.

Banned Rules: If you break one of the rules or your inactive, you’ll get a strike. The three strike rules apply here; three strikes and your banned (Banned members are in red on the bottom)Here is how long the bans last:

1st ban: One week
2nd ban: Two weeks
3rd ban: Banned for life

So be active everyone and don’t break the rules

Club Artists: If you want to be a Club Artist, then PLEASE ask.

All SPPf rules apply
No Flaming
No Bashing
No Double/Triple/Quaduple Posting (Owner is excused from this rule)
Be Active
Anyone can make new topics
Have Fun

;383;~ Heroine_Of_Winds

*Co-Owners/Club Artists*
;384;~ pokeman4ever (Club Artist too)
;383;~ MarshstompMan
;384;~ BlazeShadow
;384;~ pokemonrulez!!! (Club Artist)

;383;~ Shadow Lucario
;382;~ WaterTrainer411
;383;~ SwiftBlastoise
;382;~ Nintendo_6444
;382;~ kyogrekyle

*Banned List*

Club banner 1: by pokemonrulez!!!!!
Club banner 2: by pokeman4ever
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Can I join and be CO?


Whatcha Say???
Me too can i joi na nd be a co- owner
Ok I'm sorry, I didn't think this club got approved but your all welcome to join and be co-owner. Thank goodness I got here before it died...

Could you all just pick one of them please, I'm going to fix the names so that your most fav. is next to your name.
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A topic:Why do you like Groudon, Kyogre, or Rayquaza?
I like Groudon because it was the first of the trio that I saw, I got Ruby first, and that I like it's Drought ability.


Well-Known Member
Could i join?
I am dont asking to be co-owner but i would appreciate it.

My favorite in the trio is Rayquazya.
The Reason? He is the leader. He can stop the other two, that means he is more powerfull.
After Rayquazya i like Groudon.
Kyogre is last.

Why do you like Groudon, Kyogre, or Rayquaza?

They are the mascots of the 3rd gen!
pokemonrulez!!!!!- you can be a club artist and pick a legendary
WaterTrainer411- you can join but pick one please
Shadow Lucario- you can join
BlazeShadow- you can be a co-owner since I have a feeling that the first three aren't coming back.
I choose rayq. for my thing!

Why do you like Groudon,Kyogre,Rayquaza?

Rayquaza is the ony one I like but I just thinj it looks cool. Also I would like to be a CO, because I asked first. :p
Sorry about that, I though since you two posted and I hadn't replied that you would think this was dead. But you two are still co-owners.
Ok, I didn't post because you didn't.

My post- 11-11-06

HOW's Post- 12-13-06

That's why.
I didn't think the club got approved is the reason. I looked for it a day and so after I sent it in but it wasn't there. Then I looked a few days ago and there it was. This happened to other clubs that I sent in but they weren't as lucky...

I got to get off now so Co-owners take over till tomorrow (And no more people can be a CO.)


Well-Known Member
OK, we will take care of the club.
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