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Groudon, Rayquaza and Kyogre - Angels?

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Torena No Nazo

I was just thinking, it was Kyogre and Groudon's battle that created the Hoenn region so many years ago, right? And...Well I havn't played Ruby or Sapphire in a while, and I didn't get that far in Emerald, but did Rayquaza stop the fighting all those years ago, which caused Kyogre and Groudon to sleep and the newly formed region to grow and prosper? Because I know that Rayquaza comes and stops the fighting when Aqua and Magma ressurect Kyogre and Groudon from their sleep.

Anyway onto the point, I'm anything but religeous, but it would seem to be that Kyogre and Groudon, and also Rayquaza, are all instruments of Gods creation? All 3 of them seem to be more than Pokemon to me, in my opinion they're angels. Tools of God that shaped that small part of the earth into the Hoenn region.

Lol this probably sounds really stupid, but I've been in a strange mood after watching Neon Genesis lateley and I thought that Kyogre Groudon and Rayquaza resembled angels in their actions. Kind of...I know that religeon has nothing to do with Pokemon but still. It's interesting to make these connections.

Besides, it would seem that Team Aqua and Magma were trying to claim gods power themselves, but almost brought about the end of the world in the process. I think that means that the hands of mankind should never touch those of an angel. OOOH. CONTROVERSIAL. Discuss.


Well-Known Member
Mmmm....like titans, or gods of the basic elements. *shrugs* The term 'angel' is too religious, so it doesn't make sense. God doesn't fit into the equation.


Jade Star Trainer
this sounds more like it should be in an anime forum....

Torena No Nazo

Eh, put it where you want. It's just a discussion on termology I use on Groudon Rayquaza and Kyogre, basically. I was just thinking though, although they are pretty big pokemon, are they really big enough to create an entire region?

Torena No Nazo

Wow, can mew really do that? Well if so, then yes. Mew is a ledgendary Pokemon, and remember it's also classified as a "New Species"? So who knows what kind of organism it really is.

Torena No Nazo

Hmm. Point taken I suppose. Ugh. I didn't even think about that, does anyone know the full story of the creation of Hoenn? I forgot it :s


Well-Known Member
I don't think there's much to it. I imagine the sky was formed first, then rains fell, and then the earth was raised. I think that's the order of events it happened for Earth, unless my knowledge is wrong.

EDIT: Um....no. o.o;;; Is that true? If it was, it wasn't in the games. --;
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Torena No Nazo

Well I was always under the impression that they never actually created the spheres, it was actually humans (Like Escalator said) that created them to control them.

I'm always fond of adding drama and controversy to Pokemon. ANGELS! Waha.

Torena No Nazo

Ohhh right. Wait. That means the Groudon Rayquaza and Kyogre created more than just Hoenn? It would be cool if they did.


Well-Known Member
o.o I didn't think they created just Hoenn? I assumed they made ALL of the earth, the air, the waters..?

Torena No Nazo

I'm pretty sure everyone you talk to in the game says that the story of the creation of Hoenn (And just Hoenn, no other place outside Hoenn is mentioned) is related to Kyogre Groudon and Rayqauaza. Buuuut there's room for anything in this theory. Besides, I always thought that the 3 Pokemon were of greater significance in terms of creation anyway.

So who knows. They probably did. Or at least I think they did. The 3 of them all seem to balance eachother out. The whole "ONLY created Hoenn" thing may not be true anyway. Personally I derive this theory from Neon Genesis, where 2nd impact wasn't caused by a meteorite at all, it was in fact the discovery of the 1st angel. But nobody knew that because they covered it up with the meteorite story.

Eh. People could say we're giving too much attention to this but I don't really care. Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza probably were the 3 elemental angels that gave birth to earth's pyshical form.


Well-Known Member
I sort of imagined the hierachy to follow as goes:

Transcendent: Mew, created all life (she has everyone's DNA so I assumed everything came from her.) Celebi, watches over time's progression. Jirachi, guardian of the stars or fate or whatever. >.o

First-Level Titans: Ho-oh, resurrects (resumption) and Lugia, watches over the oceans. Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, controls the weather correspondant to each element.

Second-Level: Latios and Latias, guardian of Altomare...Regirock, Registeel, Regice, guardians of whatever but were sealed away due to being too powerful.

Third-Level: The three birds and beasts were created by Lugia and Ho-oh, and serve as overseers of the land, watching and stuff. o.o;


Well-Known Member
I dunno. XP Force of habit. I generally see her as the "Mother" of all pokemon. *shrugs* Calling her an "it" seems degrading. XD It's the same reason people refer to all boats as "she", I guess. :/
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