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Groudon vs Kyogre


Shadow Amongst Light
Hello everybody.
Just wanted to know; what happens when it's a Kyogre vs Groudon? I mean, with the weather? Will it be both Rain and Sun, or will they cancel out each other?
What will the effects be?

Many many thread so this same thing come up... please search next time.
The answer is, the slower pokemon keeps the weather.
The faster one gets the effect first but the 2nd one gets the effect changed to theirs and keeps it.


The new tuxedo look!
The slowest pokemon will have his weather effect last for thewhole battle.


Well-Known Member
What happens if you withdraw the faster one and then put it back in. Would its weather effect kick in then?


Shadow Amongst Light
What happens if you withdraw the faster one and then put it back in. Would its weather effect kick in then?

This should be obvious.
Let's rephrase what happens.
The faster pokemon comes outta the pokeball faster.
the slower one comes out last.
So the last one outta the pokeball causes the weather.


Whichever one comes out second is the one who's weather stays in effect. Either way though, I feel Kyogre has a huge advantage.
The pokemon that comes out second, its effect will stay, for example if you battle kyogre with groudon in emerald, then it will be sunny, because against wild pokemon you are sent out second, and in link battles it is determent by who is connected to to the latest slot, the one, who is in the first or 3rd slot gives the effect


Well-Known Member
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I am the game
The person with the lowest speed will get the effect.