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DS lite man

Well-Known Member
try a friend bow and get your rank to about platunum

WOOT WOOT:new rank


Staff member
Super Mod
I don't think you need platinum...he isn't a very high level, but you probably wont get him on your first try. oh, and make sure you have enough space for him. otherwise you'll never get him.


I won't give up!
Probably because your level was too low. Groudon has a join rate of -10%. So if you want to have a chance to get it to join you need to defeat it with a pokemon that is lv60 or higher. But of course , you can always equip yourself with the Friend Bow.


ESP Used Psychic
He has a -10% recruitment rate. You need to be Lv. 60 and/or have the Friend Bow


perpetually tired
With Friend Bow you need to be level ten. Hopefully you are at least level ten by the time you fight him with the friend bow...


ESP Used Psychic
You also should only bring 1 pokemon as groudon has a body size of 4 and you don't want to risk your partner killing him :p


Well-Known Member
i have a machamp lvl 60 and a platinum rank but i tried 6 times already and he wont join


I won't give up!
So you're lv60 ? Let's see :
Without Friend Bow : -10 + 12.5 = 2.5%
With Friend Bow : -10 + 12.5 + 10 = 12.5%

It may take some time before it joins you.


Well-Known Member
um where did you get the +12.5 percent on the 1st equation