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GS Ball

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Vent's Theme

Pretty Dolls
They get it back from Professor Ivy and take it to Kurt the Pokeball expert. After that it was swallowed up by the plot hole which was last seen devouring Steven Stone.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah on stevens search for a shiny rock, he came across a shiny object. He picked it up andto his suprise, it opened and swallowed himwhole.
Groudon and Kyogre destroyed it along with Kurt in their battle as he was searching for Satoshi to give it back to him.

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!
There not gonna tell.... it's just a mystery i guess....
i think that it was a ball to capture Ho-Oh/Lugia myself...
G/S= Gold and Silver.


Well-Known Member
the GS ball/Primape/Pidgeot, all the things that have been shelved will only come back when the writers run out of ideas. Which will probably be soon since they replaced a coordinator with another coordinator.
It was just a plot device to give ash a reason to go to Johto. There have been tons of threads like this. Next time use the search button.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
I think it contains mew
Are you implying that mew is Ash's father? I mean, everyone with half a brain knows Ash's dad is trapped inside the GS Ball. But then again, Mew knows transform, so Mew could have easily transformed into Giovanni and made it to 3rd base with Delia. OMG I think we just figured out the age-old question!!!


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
nah not mew, i reckon celebi, but like ppl have said its been lost in the massive plotholes that are all through the anime


Yeah, ok!
nah not mew, i reckon celebi, but like ppl have said its been lost in the massive plotholes that are all through the anime

Massive plotholes or rather events that 1998 fanboys can't get over?

I find it sad that there are still people who expect Primeape to come back someday. Very sad.

Burning Effigy

A Hollow Being
the GS ball/Primape/Pidgeot, all the things that have been shelved will only come back when the writers run out of ideas. Which will probably be soon since they replaced a coordinator with another coordinator.

You forgot about Butterfree


Well-Known Member
They had the GS ball during Orange Islands and early Johto. May had no idea Ash existed nor the GS exists. Nor does she have a reason to. The ball - like Pigeot, Butterfree, and Primeape - is gone for good.
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