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GTA Skimmer?

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The Leviathan
I don'tknow if it's always there, but I remember seeing it in one mission. It was the Lance mission Turn On, Tune In, Bug Out where you need to destroy the police antennae

(.....HEY! I GOT THROUGH THAT WITHOUT SWEARING!!! THAT is EXTREMELY hard to believe! I find it the most annoying mission ever and start swearing my head off at any mention of it)

Anyway, I saw it at the dock south of the Downtown area, across from the massive construction site. Remember Big Mitch Baker, the biker, from Vice City? A little south of his place.


I am the game
You get it at the film studios.


The Leviathan
You get it at the film studios.

1. Where I mentioned is not far, so he may have found it looking around where I mentioned...

2. I figured it would be around there. It was in Vice City...I think...or was that the Dodo? o_O
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