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GTS mew, and darkrai for trade


i have a lv 28 japanese mew from GTS and an darkrai i recieved in a trade.

low lv shiny porygon-Z
shiny heatren
shiny aerodactyl
shiny regice
shiny armaldo
shiny cresselia*

who ever renders a shiny cresselia get darkria right away.


Arena Trap
i have a lv 28 japanese mew from GTS and an darkrai i recieved in a trade.

low lv shiny porygon-Z
shiny heatren
shiny aerodactyl
shiny regice
shiny armaldo
shiny cresselia*

who ever renders a shiny cresselia get darkria right away.

I don't know if you want these or not, even if they're not shiny, but for Darkrai I can give you legit level 60 Lugia, Legit level 100 Deoxys(trained myself) or Level 100 Celebi(warning, Celebi was gamesharked) so I guess you don't want celebi. Is it a deal?


Arena Trap
i have a lv 28 japanese mew from GTS and an darkrai i recieved in a trade.

low lv shiny porygon-Z
shiny heatren
shiny aerodactyl
shiny regice
shiny armaldo
shiny cresselia*

who ever renders a shiny cresselia get darkria right away.

I don't know if you want these or not, even if they're not shiny, but for Darkrai I can give you legit level 60 Lugia, Legit level 100 Deoxys(trained myself) or Level 100 Celebi(warning, Celebi was gamesharked) so I guess you don't want celebi. Is it a deal? My friend code is 2449 1367 2868.


Up For Trade P.M Me
You people do know there's 'bout two threads started my mods that say no hacked pokemon, right?


well i didnt hack it i obtained it in a trade and just the other day i saw like 5 thread on hacked pokemon


Aussie Battler
I've got legit Shiny Porigon Z, shiny regice and a Lugia and Deoxys both level 100 for Darkri