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~Guardians of Magic~ Starts (PG-13)


Not a Seadra

Mizuryu was quite nervous, sitting in the office with two other girls who gave off some sort of strange vibe... maybe that magic sense thing? However, when water balloons started to fall on her head, she did nothing short of completely freaking out.

From Mizi's mouth shot a rather loud, shrill curse as she attempted to follow Kitty's lead and hide under a desk. Water was not good. Not at all. Why? Mizi didn't really know that. It just made her feel strange, that's all. Like she didn't need to be in contact with too much of it.

The other girl, whose name completely slipped Mizuryu's mind, was pointing and yelling at... nothing or something... to stop. What could it be? Maybe she could see something that they couldn't? Magic was just getting all in her face today, wasn't it?

Another balloon landed on Mizi as she was scrambling to get in a position that she could bear. She yelped, but then the water started to flow away. What in the name of...? What was that all about? The water that she was so frevently hoping would go away was dripping off of her faster than it probably would in a normal situation. Was this more of that magic stuff? Her dad didn't tell her about... whatever this was!

Mizuryu growled something completely incomprehensible, noticing that her bangs were sticking to her head. Oh, crap. Her horns were probably visible now... that was bad. Really bad.


black cat, black cat
He blinked. He blinked twice. He rubbed his eyes and blinked again. Okay, was it him or was in now in the C building? What was he doing in the C wing? None of his classes were in the C wing, aside fomr Earth Science and Astronomy. As much as he'd like to believe it, he was in the D wing. His senses... just got alter some way, somehow. He couldn't remember a poster hanging on the door of the English room; nope, that was the one in the C wing. If the C wing had an English room.

Sylvester rubbed hs head hard, as if to retain the memories that he had from leaking away. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door. There was no one inside. He stared at the deserted classroom long and hard. Suddenly, he whipped around ot look at the opposite hall. Tada! In bright bold red and black letters, "English 1 Honors Class!"

Finally finding his classroom, he reached out a hand to turn the doorknob, only to hear a stern voice that echoed down the hall. Was that...the principal?

He looked at the woman in front of him. Yep, the principal. Sweat began to form; he didn't like the principal. When she caught you skiving class, bam! That was it, detention time! Or so he had heard. He prespired more, as she walked closer to him. What did he do wrong? He thought, thinking about the cold lonely doors of the detention hall.

"Sylvester Neil," she addressed him. He nodded shakily. "You were to report to my office, not roam around the halls."

Oh, was that it? Was that why he was going to the principal's office? he hoped feverishly he would not get into trouble. He got into enough trouble at his previous school...


Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~

I tried to figure out what was throwing balloons at us, and what that Rei chick was yelling at. They had to be connected. I looked around for clues. There was some sort of... something up in the corner of the room, where it seemed as though the balloons were materalizing out of thin air.

I looked at Rei, who seemed angry and nervous, not like I could tell, and then at Mizi. Mizi's hair was flat against her head, like mine was, since I hadn't had time to straighten all of the little waves out, I'd just flattened it, but Mizi's case was because it was wet. And what was poking out of it freaked me out a bit. Okay, quite a bit. Alright, it freaked me out a lot. There were two- gasp- horns poking out of Mizi's flattish hair. Oh man. I tried to hold the surprise on my face and wipe away the releif, but the releif stuck. I'd thought I was the only cross-breaded freak in the world, but apparently not.

"Wow," i muttered, looking at Mizi, who'd now somehow caught the glance I'd been giving her. "I mean -uh -um, I'm speechless?" I suggested, giving a shy smile. Never too good on the words was I.

That's when Jericho came in, a boy, who must be that Sylvester kid, trailing her.

"Damn Poltergeist," she muttered, glancing up at the corner where the balloons were appearing, "Shoo! Do you want me to curse you into the closet again?!" she snapped, leading Sylvester to a chair. The balloons halted, so i could only guess he'd gone away. Whoever he was.

I crawled out from under my shelter of Jericho's desk, and back onto my chair= which was now wet.

"Well, I suppose I'll wait for the others to show up," Jericho muttered, looking up at the clock, "But we can't wait forever,"


Well-Known Member
I was stunned as Principal Jericho spoke with the poltergeist, even more so when it left, grudgingly nonetheless. I got up and sat on my chair, blinking and looking around at the others in the room for a moment. One girl, Mizu, I think her name was, had horns sticking up out of her head, and almost immediately I turned and stared at the empty space in front of me, blinking. Well, this day is just full of surprises, she thought, sitting rather limply as I wondered over the day.


OOC: Sorry for not posting sooner

Jacob was late, and i mean really late. He ran in through the school gates and made his way to his frist lesson,English. "Sorry i'm late Miss!" he said quick running to his seat, "Oh that meeting was quick" said the teacher, Jacob looked shocked "Meeting what meeting?" he asked, his teacher got an angery mark above her head, "You mean you just got in?" Jacob nodded, she sighed "I'll give you a detention later, right now you need to be in Principal Jericho's office!" Jacob gulpped and ran out of the room, he ran down to the principal's office and kicked the door open, "Sorry i'm late Miss Jer-" he trailed off, a girl who was sitting in the corner had to horns sticking out of her head, his looked turned serious, "Whats going on?" he asked
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Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
Jericho sighed, looking at Jacob sadly, "You will understand soon," she said, "Feel free to do any homework you might have done, or "forgotten" to do, as most kids do these days. Discuss, chat, but no cell phones. I don't want you distracting your friends who are in classes right now," she said pleasantly, as though we hadn't just been attacked by a... something throwing balloons all over the place, and as though Mizi hadn't suddenly grown horns out of her head.

What a bizarre day.

At least now I had time to do my French homework. I'd been saving it for sixth period study hall, but hey, now was as good as ever. I flipped to page 98 in my workbook.

Je ____ de fromage. (manger) I store at the sentence. The sentence store at me. Wrong page. I flipped to 198.

___, J'aime danser. That made more sense. Stress pronouns. Let's see... je, that means I, so therefore, moi (me) would be the right thing to put there. I carefully penceled in moi, then moved onto the next one. French was so frustrating.

How's it going Kitty? Lizzie's voice popped into my head, sounding confused as to how I wasn't out yet.

We've been attacked by vengeful waterballoons, a girl's grown horns, and Principal Jericho's just sitting here telling us to have a lovely conversation. How do you think it's going? I thought back in frustration.

A, Exorcism. Oh, sorry, vocab test. That sucks. Horns?! As in another magic kid? I wonder if you're getting sent off to the happy house or something. She thought back with a laugh. Lizzie, as I said before, could laugh about anything.

Well, we're just going to have to wait and see. I repllied with a sad sigh. It was going to be a long day.

OOC: I'm going to PM the others in this RPG. Hopefully we'll get it going again. I hope.


Well-Known Member
(( OOC: Yeah, hopefully...))

I sighed, leaning back in my chair and looking around at the other kids. I wondered, amused for a moment, if perhaps Satan was trying to play tricks on me. I smirked a little, closing my eyes. Not gonna happen, buddy, I thought, just in case he happened to be listening. This is very strange, no doubt, but I find it rather amusing as well.

I thought a heard a chuckle, and opened my eyes again, glancing around the room for a moment to make sure that a guy with horns and red skin wasn't watching me. I grinned at myself wryly. What am I thinking? If Pops (as I'd decided to call my demon father. After all, everyone needs a name, right?) didn't look like one of those creepy cartoon imps, why should the Devil look like the stereo-type?



All through Algebra, which was on the second floor, Sal felt unnerved. No, not unnerved. Something more along the lines of faint. She felt extremely light headed and it was like she was about to crash onto the ground asleep or something. And she had figured out what the problem was when she was in English, which was on the first floor.

In English, Sal had felt alot more relieved and relaxed. And she had figured out what the problem was.
I think it's the fact that I was on the second floor, Sal thought. Maybe I'm drawn towards the ground or something? Meh... Who knows? I just hope I don't keep feeling like this....

"Would you like to read out your poem, Sally?" the teacher asked Sal who frowned at the fact the teacher had said "Sally" not "Sal". But that was all. She just shook her head slowly and muttered a, "No thanks..."

The teacher frowned back, a bit suprised. Usually Sal was alot more agreeable and usually didn't mind sharing her work. Well she did seem a bit tired. Maybe she was tired today...?
"Fine then Sally," the teacher said as he turned to another student to get him to read out his poem. Sal sighed and rested her head on the desk, deciding to avoid all contact with other people for the rest of the period if she could help it.


Anabel had amazed her Algebra teacher once again by getting the highest marks in the class. And she didn't even pay attention much. She was actually sent out of Algebra a few times this year since she expressively refused to use a calculator when she could just as easily use her head.

The same happeneded for English. Top marks and her Haiku had been entered in a creative writing contest. But something was bugging Anabel. She felt as if there was something wrong. She shook off the thought pretty quickly. She was good at shaking thoughts out of her head.

OOC: Didn't know what else to put so sorry about the boringness of this post ^^"

Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
OOC: Metagrossian's out, his computer's busted, Bandana, obviously is back, and Hyuu needs his charri to be bunnied for a week or so. Alexis Lastienna never returned any PMs and cdra has, well disappeared *goes to search for*

I sat quietly, leaving Lizzie's telepathic link, allowing her to work on her vocab test. I looked out the window, the wind was blowing pretty hard, and Jericho seemed to be checking something on her computer. I personally thought that she was a bit wacked out, calling us all down here and stuff, for no apparent reason. A few more people had joined the crowd, looking quite a bit nervous when they noticed that we, that is, Mizi, Rei and I, were soaking wet.

Jericho gave them the, sit down, do homework until everyone gets here speech. The one boy had dishwater blonde hair (formerly metagrossian's character, now an NPC) had overly pointy joints and ears. I was starting to suspect something... fishy about this whole thing. First off, I was a fairy. That was, well maybe irrelevant. But then, Mizi had horns. Odd. Then comes this boy with the pointy ears... something was starting to click in my mind. There was also a girl with auburn hair, she seemed sad or lonely or something, I thought her name was "Holly" (formerly Alexis Lastienna's charri), along with a young boy with messy hair, it looked like he was maybe a sixth grader, if not fifth, though I'd seen him around, meaning he was a sophmore maybe. I wasn't sure. I think his name was Tray or something like that (Hyuu's character, minor bunnying).

But then there was another girl, (the energy NPC just fyi) came in and sat down. She was tall, thin, but very curvy. She had bright, vivacious green eyes, not as deep as mine, but they were icy and lighter. Her hair was short, midnight black, but you could see the brown coming out in her roots. She was wearing a white longsleeve shirt, underneath a dark blue, almost black shirt labled: Whatever. That was it, simply whatever.

"Yo, Jericho, what'm I in for now?" she asked, blowing a bubble casually. I spotted what people would stereotype her for instantly: troublemaker, emo, whatever. But there was something forced about her casualty and it seemed to me that she seemed... worried.

"Delila, how many times have I told you to call me PRINCIPAL Jericho dear?" Jericho, excuse me, Principal Jericho asked in a stern, but gentle voice.

Delila counted on her fingers for a moment, "Seventeen," she said slyly, icy eyes flashing.

Jericho simply squinted, "Everyone's here now," she said. What a wonderful observation. "It's time to tell what you all want to-wait, where's Sal?" She asked, looking around. I looked too. In the first seat was Mizi, looking surprised, worried and confused. Next to her was Rei, then me, then on my right was the pointy boy, then Holly, followed by the younger looking boy. I counted the number in my head. I looked past the younger boy, finding Jacob. That made seven, including me. There should be ten... Ah, yes, Sylvester. He was sitting over in the opposite corner, that made eight, plus Dilila, which made nine. Now there was just Sal.

"I'll be right back kids," Jericho said, checking Sal's schedual on her computer, "Algebra, got it," she opened the door and headed out.

Dilila watched the door sadly, "I thought she said she was going to give us some kind of 'truth'," she groaned, crossing her arms.

"She could just get on with it already," Holly grumbled.

"I agree," I added. What WERE we here for?!

OOC: You can see that we've got three NPCs now, Holly, Briar, and Delila, and I have to bunny Hyuu's charri for a while. *groans*


Not a Seadra
Mizuryu just pretended like no one said anything, returning to her seat and looking around suspiciously. This was awkward... everyone seeing what she was and then the random screaming and pointing. Well, at least she was almost dry now...

Several more people arrived, some shouting swears about her horns or some just staring around awkwardly. One person had pointy ears... funny. She did too. But this guy didn't seem to be a dragon. For some reason, it was like the whole room was giving off a strange vibe... was it possible that this meeting had something to do with magic?

Mizi sighed. "I dunno, but if she makes us wait much longer I think I'm going to fall asleep in my chair." she said, looking at the people who were complaining. "Whatever she's going to tell us, it better be good.

((short post << >> sorry, writer's block))


black cat, black cat
He felt strangely light headed after being dragged by the principal into the office. There were others, but he couldn't recognoize anyone else she had dragged in. Leaning back on his chair, Sylvester meandered a math problem in his head. What was it, he though, he had just remembered it several seconds ago. Not that it really mattered since, Principal Jericho hadn't told them why she had called them yet, and she was probably going to take the entire day. No use trying to study for the test that he had in Geomeotry. ...Did he even take Geometry? If he did, did he even have it today?

He sighed. He'd been getting a be empty in the head lately, pulling low grades in any memorizing classes. Maybe, he needed a break from overworking himself.

Yeah, that's it. Sylvester has been a bit stressed lately. Stressed about apparently something he forgot though.

[He's that oblivious. :p]




Sal was a little bit happy now that the teacher wasn't taking to her or even paying too much attention to her. She was just happily getting along with her work until the door opened. And Principal Jericho walked inside. Sal hoped that one of the more annoying kids in the class were going to the Principal's office.

"Sally," the teacher said as he looked directly at Sal who's eyes widened as soon as her name was mentioned. "Follow Principal Jericho to her office please."
Sal stopped herself from letting out a groan and stood up. Reluctantly, she walked up to the front and waited for the Principal to walk out first but the Principal was waiting for Sal to go out. She made a hand gesture and Sal noted it and walked out first.

Sal entered Principal Jericho's office and got the biggest shock of her life.
"Oh my god!" Sal shouted at the sight of the other few students in the office, she didn't have time to count. Then something crossed Sal's mind and she calmed down automatically.

"What have I got to do with the Drama production?" Sal asked, not sure if there was a Drama production but if there wasn't, this was bound to be some sort of acting group or something.

Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
OOC: It is FINALLY time!!! Explinations! :p

I watched Sal walk in, (I guessed that was who it was, since I didn't know her) and she yelled something about the drama club. I supposed she'd spotted Mizi's horns.

"Sal, I'm sorry and happy to say that this isn't a drama production," Jericho said with a calm chuckle, I supposed that she was getting impatient, "It is time to explain why I called you all here," she said, looking at us all, "Everyone here is very different. One," she glanced over at me, "Is in the marching band, another on the frisbee football team, another on the swimteam, and many other things. You may wonder what you all have to do with eachother," she smiled calmly, "This," she snapped her fingers, "Is what you have to do with eachother,"

I was suddenly jerked forward in my chair, and I heard pointy boy yelp, so I wasn't sure what had happened to Rei.

"Whoa," he mumbled, looking at me. And that's when I realized what had happened. My wings had unfurled and slapped both he and Rei in the head. I felt my face turn red.

Jericho smiled gently at me, "Mr. Forrest, You shouldn't be alarmed by Miss Martinez's change in appearence. Her specie's magic is simply more prominent than yours. You see, Miss Martinez is half fairy. We have one fairy, two elves, two demons, one water dragon, two plain witches, one plain old wizard, and one werewolf," she said with a smile, like we knew what this was, "At the beginning of time itself, magic appeared out in the deepest areas of space, far from this planet. The magic planet was destroyed, the magic refugees came here and interbread. Many species simply disappeared among the mortals, causing their generations of sons and daughters to become witches and wizards. Others..." she looked at us, mainly Mizi and I, "Are more prominant than some others,"

"So?" Delila asked, not phazed by this, "What's this got to do with this? Big whoop, our school's got a pretty damn big magical population, what've we got to do with it?" she demanded, looking at Jericho through slitted eyes.

"I am the creator of this magic, I can use any power I wish to, any time I want to. But I don't. Why? Because I only use it when I need to. Because if you use your magic for personal gain, you will become corrupted, turned evil by your actions, like the ones I created before. Guardians," she paused for a breath, "Each weilding an element of nature. Fire, Water, Ground, Plants, Air, Energy, Ice, Light, Darkness, and Dragon. These Guardians used their elemental powers wrongly, and became corrupt. That Delila, is where you come in,"

She began to chant slowly and steadily, "Allow the ten sitting before me, to not only wield the powers given at birth,
but to weild the powers of the Elements of Earth,
These ten now deemed Guardians,
Shall guard until the ends of their youth, when their powers shalt be passed down through the children,
Until Earth's bounty will be withhelden.
She looked at us, and ten streams of each element, a different color, streamed out from each of her fingertips, then swirled around its selected person slowly then gradually growing faster, until it was so fast that it just sucked into the body of the person. I was enveloped by a tornado of air, it swirled around me faster, faster faster, blowing my hair around and around, until It slammed into me, leaving me breathless on the chair.

"You ten, are now the NEW Guardians of Earth. Your purpose, protect the mortals, stop the old guardians, and save anyone needing saving. Miss Martinez, I believe you have the powers of Air and Premonition correct?" Jericho asked, as though my hair wasn't sticking to my antennas and I wasn't breathlessly wondering what the HELL had just happened.

"Uh... if having weird dreams counts," I started, but she chucked me a black jacket, I could see half the word Major on it. I felt something overpowering pull me in, I let out a gasp, only to see what I'd seen many times before:

The white bricked hallway was blasting with bright florecent lights, but I could see from the window at the end of the wing, that it was dark out. A girl came sprinting around the corner, she had blonde hair and was of average height, I recognized her as Cat (with a C!) the junior drum major of the marching band.

"You don't have to do this! I'll quit! I swear!" she yelled, turning around, pony-tail swinging. Kat caught a glance of the maroon name plate on the door nearby, B207.
"I don't care," a feminine voice came and a cloaked figure floated (yes, floated) around the corner of the hallway, landing squarely in front of Cat. "Your time has come," she said blandly, raising her hands, air seeming to form a huge twister between them, all of the papers from the white book slung around Cat's shoulder began to fly around the hallway wildly.

"No! I'll-I'll do anything!" Cat yelled pathetically, turning to run. The air flew towards her and-
It ended. What I suppose was called Premonition.

"We have to save Cat," I said as it hit me, "Or the last guardian of air will kill her,"

"You are a smart cookie Miss Katalina," she said with a smile, "Any questions?"

OOC: Heh, longness. :) Gotta love Jericho's casualty with her speech. *shakes head*


Well-Known Member
OOC: ...you don't happen to actually have conversations with Jericho, do you?

I had flinched slightly as Kat's wings smacked me, but I jolted in surprise as I looked around the room and noticed that the others had changed as well. I quickly looked at myself, my now-all-black eyes widening slightly. I looked down at my thin, white arms, looking over my long fingers. I probably looked absolutely ghastly. I looked up as Jericho explained, listening with a strange calm that I found quite comfortable. The human aspects of my personality were shocked, but somehow I put it aside, at least until Jericho began chanting.

Then I felt amazement and awe as ice whirled around me. I felt the power and adrenaline of the element coursing through me as it slammed into me, and stared in awe at my hands as a frost condensed on them easily. I looked up quietly, watching Kat as she seemed to go in and out of a trance, then announced the vision.

"Yea, I have a question," I spoke up, not quite realizing that I had until I was speaking again. "...how do you know that we won't be the same as the first guardians?"

I had no doubt what my own decision would be, and wasn't doubting the others in any way, though I did wonder. But it was a strange thing that compelled me to ask her this, if only for curiousity and appreciation that she trusted us in the first place.


Not a Seadra
Mizuryu blinked. This was a lot to take in all at once... magic this morning, and now she was a guardian of magic? What was all this? She felt a powerful aura come from the principal's fingertip and rush through her. It was a choking power, riddled with heaviness and a certain dankness. There was a salty taste in her mouth for a moment, but then it was gone. She gasped, the heavy feeling receding. What was that? She knew that feeling from somewhere...

She felt something blaze through her, that feeling messing with her. She looked around to see many of them changing shape. Something told Mizuryu to fight this feeling. She looked pained for a moment, then opened her eyes. She hadn't changed any more. She just still looked rather odd, with her horns showing and her ears and elbows sharp. That, and, though she hadn't noticed, her eyes had become like snake's, slit and inhuman.

Mizi put her head in her hands, trying to shake off the headache that had just come over her. It wasn't seeing her companions change. It was fighting off her own changes. Why did she fight? She wasn't quite sure. She did know, however, that she rather needed a change of clothes because she was still dripping wet.

She raised her hand, straightening up. "...I have two questions too, ma'am." she said, listening to Rei ask her question. "For one... who are the other guardians that we have to defeat? The other is..." she sighed. "Can I go change clothes?"

((OOC: Mizi fought her transformation because she wouldn't have legs if it had happened... XD))
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Elves, demons and fairies..? Sal wondered then smiled. Well I'm staying on everyones good side here.
But what had gotten her truly was the fact that this brown magic wrapped itself around her. Something told her it was the element, Ground. It was such a good feeling, Sal felt so much stronger...
I get it now! Sal realised. I couldn't stand Algebra since it wasn't on the ground floor. I'm earthbound. I get sick or something if I'm not on the ground. Wait. I came up with that, that quickly? Awesome...

"Thank you," Sal sighed thankfully once the brown energy had vanished. She felt so much better. So much more... stronger.
She enjoyed the feeling for a bit until one girl (Kat) said something about saving a girl called Cat. Two more people (Rei and Mizi) asked questions directly afterwards which confused Sal. She suddenly had these feelings.

Sal buried her face in her head in her hands for a few seconds before breathing out and looking up at the ceiling. She wanted these feelings to go away, they weren't hers. She was certain of it. Everyone here was feeling at least a small ounce of confusion, which was mainly overruled by amazement. Sal also felt something more stronger than anything else.

"Fairy girl is right," Sal said but felt bad quickly for calling the fairy girl 'fairy girl'.
"Sorry," Sal apologised. "I didn't know what else to call you. But you're right. We need to hepl that Cat girl. She's frightened. She's terrified. We need to get to her and fast."


I should've guessed, Anabel thought to herself as she stood at the very end of the hallway. She couldn't hold it in. Then again, it does seem pretty fun....
Anabel watched the hopeless girl be attacked by her fellow Guardian. It was pretty entertaining for now. Anabel felt so tempted to join in, but she'd stay clear of it for now. She wanted to see how this would turn out.

(OOC: Sal was experiencing her powers over Empathy there.
And starting tomorrow morning, I won't be online for a week so Sal and Anabel can be NPC's during the time I'm away.)

Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
OOC: I guess I forgot to explain that Kat's premonitions are currently limited to short glimpses of the FUTURE. Sorry for hte confusion ;)

Jericho stood up, smoothing down her skirt, "Well, I know that you won't be the same as the first guardians, becuase with them, I let them slide past the "consequence rule". The rule is, if you use your powers for personal gain, severe consequences could follow, and if you continue using htem in such a way, they will be taken away. For all eternity," she smiled an odd half smile, "Not too plesant I know, but someone has to enforce good around this place. Or everyone would be evil,"

She paused, listening to Mizi's questions, "Number one is another mistake I made. I gave them their powers, but didn't bother to meet them first. I figured that they could flounder out in the world and that the best way for them to learn to trust eachother was for them to learn together," she paused, looking forelorne, "But I was wrong," she turned her head away for a moment, before perking up to answer Mizi's next question, "Well, that might not be such a good idea, since we're going to go train. In the swimming pool,"

I raised my hand tentatively, "I don't have a swimsuit with me, or gym clothes either,"

"Oh, don't worry about that," Jericho said pleasantly, "I'm the only one allowed to use personal gain spells. There are side effects however, which would be that... I really hope you don't like those clothes," she said, making a face at the ones I was wearing, "They're all wet anyways right?"

"Sure," I muttered. What was one little shirt? "although, I do like these jeans..."

"Oh, the jeans will be fine, just not the shirt. Now, to the gym and swim!" she said pleasantly, "We'll go to the gym first, so you can learn to hone your powers, then to the pool. The water guardian of old is a huge threat right now. Especially if you can't swim," Jericho said sadly. We all sat there and store at her. "Go! To the gym! you all know where it is!" We all scattered.

"Mizi, wait up a second," she said, pulling Mizi aside, "Listen, I know you might be wondering about your element. THe element of dragon, which is a bit of all elements combined. It may sound weak, but it isn't. It's what sort of helps the other guardian's powers along. You are the glue. You keep them together. When your powers get more advanced, they will be for much more than that, but for now, that's its main job," Jericho said with a gentle smile, "Do you understand?"


Not a Seadra
Mizi listened to Jerchio's answers to her and Rei's questions in silence. They were going to train...? Oh joy. Well... she had gym clothes in her locker, but wasn't going to walk all the way out of the way just to get some clothes. She proceeded to make her comment on the thing about losing her clothes or whatever.

"...I could care less about these clothes, but... don't kill the headband." she said, pulling off the dark blue headband that she always wore around her waist. Not like anyone would know what it was, but she still didn't want to lose it. Convincing her mom to let her buy it was hell.

Mizi followed the group as they left the office, only to be pulled aside by the principal. She stopped and listened intently to what she had to say, an explaination of what the element of Dragon was. So she had a special place as the Guardian of Dragon... she nodded and gave her answer.

"Yes, ma'am." she said with a smile. "I understand." It was comforting to know that she had a special place in this. And it was a place she thought she could handle. But it did make her wonder... what had become of the previous Guardian of Dragon? She shook the thought from her mind and ran down the hallway after her fellow Guardians.

((OOC: A slight edit to Mizi's abilities: She will change into half-dragon form if summersed in water fully. So in the swimming pool. XD This will suck for her XDDD She'll change back when she gets out of the water.))


Well-Known Member
I walked slowly to the gym, thinking. So...Jericho chose ten high school kids...to protect six billion people around the world...What's up with that? I grinned a little, looking up just in time to keep from walking into a wall. Watch it, Rei. I said to myself as I kept walking. I wondered for a while...what could Ice really do? I felt another amused smile lighting my face, and sighed as I stretched a little. This is going to be very interesting.

Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
OOC: Starting on the 23, (saturday), I'm not going to be around as much, seeming as it'll be christmas time and I have family stuff to do.


"Alright, please remove all valuables before I do this, you never know what'll happen if you don't," Jericho said, pushing the door to the gym open, in turn revealing the polished wooden floors, a huge wolf (our school mascot) In the middle of the floor.

I pulled off my black band jacket, followed by my silver flute necklace. I didn't want to loose those. Everyone else seemed to be doing the same. I piled mine against the folded up bleachers, (they played basketball here) and then walked back out by the others. Jericho waved her hand nonchantedly, then poof, we were all wearing gym clothes. Just like that. I was wearing a powder blue tanktop, along with a pair of powder blue shorts. I could see Holly across the room in a darker blue, almost navy outfit matching mine. She had a dolphin stitched into her shirt, right at the left side of her chest.

I felt my chest, finding a small butterfly stitched in. Which reminded me to check my wings. My gym outfit had a slit in it, allowing my wings to fit through, like sleeves. That was really funky. Delila was wearing a pale yellow outfit, and I could see Briar and the fire boy in their respective colors as well. Pretty danged cool if you ask me.

Jericho pulled out a huge bag of balls, "Practice on these first. Kat, if you come over here, I'll teach you how to fly, 'kay?" she must have noticed that I couldn't fly. Lucky her.

So as the others began tentatively stretching and kicking balls around, I headed over to the corner, where Jericho spontaneously sprouted wings, matching mine, except hers were green.

"Alrighty, here we go," she began flapping her wings, and pushed off the ground, then did a few loopdy-loops and landed next to me with a loud thump, "you try. Just let your instincts have the wheel," she smiled at me.

I let my insticts "have the wheel" as she said, and began to flap. I pushed hard off the ground and found myself in the air. I flew around, quickly getting the hang of it, the hang of flying that is, then flew around the gym, and then landed next to a small ball, ready to begin my training as well.