Mizuryu was quite nervous, sitting in the office with two other girls who gave off some sort of strange vibe... maybe that magic sense thing? However, when water balloons started to fall on her head, she did nothing short of completely freaking out.
From Mizi's mouth shot a rather loud, shrill curse as she attempted to follow Kitty's lead and hide under a desk. Water was not good. Not at all. Why? Mizi didn't really know that. It just made her feel strange, that's all. Like she didn't need to be in contact with too much of it.
The other girl, whose name completely slipped Mizuryu's mind, was pointing and yelling at... nothing or something... to stop. What could it be? Maybe she could see something that they couldn't? Magic was just getting all in her face today, wasn't it?
Another balloon landed on Mizi as she was scrambling to get in a position that she could bear. She yelped, but then the water started to flow away. What in the name of...? What was that all about? The water that she was so frevently hoping would go away was dripping off of her faster than it probably would in a normal situation. Was this more of that magic stuff? Her dad didn't tell her about... whatever this was!
Mizuryu growled something completely incomprehensible, noticing that her bangs were sticking to her head. Oh, crap. Her horns were probably visible now... that was bad. Really bad.
Mizuryu was quite nervous, sitting in the office with two other girls who gave off some sort of strange vibe... maybe that magic sense thing? However, when water balloons started to fall on her head, she did nothing short of completely freaking out.
From Mizi's mouth shot a rather loud, shrill curse as she attempted to follow Kitty's lead and hide under a desk. Water was not good. Not at all. Why? Mizi didn't really know that. It just made her feel strange, that's all. Like she didn't need to be in contact with too much of it.
The other girl, whose name completely slipped Mizuryu's mind, was pointing and yelling at... nothing or something... to stop. What could it be? Maybe she could see something that they couldn't? Magic was just getting all in her face today, wasn't it?
Another balloon landed on Mizi as she was scrambling to get in a position that she could bear. She yelped, but then the water started to flow away. What in the name of...? What was that all about? The water that she was so frevently hoping would go away was dripping off of her faster than it probably would in a normal situation. Was this more of that magic stuff? Her dad didn't tell her about... whatever this was!
Mizuryu growled something completely incomprehensible, noticing that her bangs were sticking to her head. Oh, crap. Her horns were probably visible now... that was bad. Really bad.