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~Guardians of Magic~ Starts (PG-13)


Under the sea
Tryt grinned when they caught sight of the grin, though that faltered slightly as he looked up to the other “Guardians”. Each of them were far more athletic than the boy and his twelve-year-old physique, making him wallow a bit at his physical inadequacies and wonder if any other qualities of his would also follow in the same linage as his height; Not be enough. Suddenly, he couldn’t help but question how he was going to fair with this job as the “Guardian of Fire”. It seemed undeserving to trail with his name. Plus, thinking about the tangle-less form of heat, he began to think that if he wielded the energy that it would just escape from his fingers and cause harm.

He threw the thought into a small corner of his mind, however, when Jericho advised them to leave their valuables here. Nodding, Tryt, grinning yet again and having forgotten about his whole inadequacies, tossed his green sweater to the top of the bleachers, wanting to see how high he could aim the material. It jaggedly caught itself on the right railing of the bleachers and the boy couldn’t help but marvel at his poor aim. He’d work on basketball when he had the chance.

Than, suddenly, his beloved white shirt and black shorts disappeared to be replaced by crimson wear, lined with very intricate yellow and orange stitches to mimic a fire. Funnily enough, a small cat’s head had been tattooed onto the leg of his burgundy shorts, the out-of-place brown stitches giving him some attention and giggling. The patch was… surprisingly cute and Tryt couldn’t help but think that Jericho had been keeping tabs on his little conversations with Mr. Gato. He appreciated the pattern. It reminded him of Mr. Gato and his own telepathic power. Than, he had a question that he’d like to later address to Jericho.

For now though, he was gratifyingly running around the half court length, playing with himself some type of free-range basketball that allowed him to keep trying his aim. Out of five tries in throwing the orange ball, Tryt had managed to hit the rim three times. The other two tries resulted in a reminder of his height and limited strength from his young physique. Still, the boy had simply dribbled the ball back around and tried shooting again. It was his tenth try that he managed to make a basket, and that was the time he decided to start a conversation with the others.

“So,” he started slowly, cautiously walking back to the free throw line while padding the basketball against the floor, “What’s everybody’s name? If we’re going to be working against the First Guardians, I think we should start with our names. I don’t want to be calling some of you “Fairy girl” or “Elf dude” in the hallways, especially where humans can hear.”

“I’m Tryt.” The boy introduced, tossing the orange ball at the basket.

… It didn’t even make it close to the rim, instead lying many inches away from the bottom of the board that contained the rim and bounced off the wall, back into Tryt’s hand. He couldn’t help the light heat that colored his cheeks. But he still smiled. This was the first time in forever where he had introduced himself by his real name.

“Tryt Sanada, Guardian of Fire.”

What prompted the boy to add the title confused himself, awkwardly rolling off his tongue before he’d really thought about it. Despite that, he knew he’d have to get use to the heavy title. Shouldering the weight started now, with learning how to properly aim.

((Ironically, as you get busy, I get a lot of time :p No need to bunny 'fire guy' anymore))


“Tryt Sanada, Guardian of Fire.” One of the boy's introduced as he missed the rim of basket, Jacob picked up the ball and felt the eyes of everyone else fall on him, he guessed it was his turn, "Jacob Darko and not too sure what my power is yet but-" he indercated to the gery cresent moon on his black shirt, "-I'm guessing from these, I'm the Guardian of Darkness and since we sharing..." He lowered his cloaking spell to make his ears and tail visble, "I'm a werewolf" He tossed the ball at the basket, it sailed over the basket causing Jacob to sweat drop, it looked like Tryt wasn't the only one who need to work on his aim.

(short post i know but i'm really busy)


Not a Seadra
Mizuryu nodded at Jericho when she asked them all to remove their valuables and consequently removed her odd belt, which she had mentioned before. She then unclipped her necklace, allowing her gills to show. She placed her things next to the others', not minding that everything somewhat strange about her could be plainly seen right now.

Next thing she knew, her normal black and white attire was gone and she was wearing a sea green tank top with loose straps, so they didn't hurt her gills. She was wondering what she was going to do about swimming when she realized that, but shook the thought from her mind when she looked herself over. She had on dark blue gym shorts, something close to navy, with white stripes running down the sides. Upon closer inspection, they were not stripes... but small, serpentlike dragons. When she looked at her shirt again, she noticed that a dark blue form had been stitched into her chest. It was the shape of a wingless wyvern, a sea dragon.

Mizi looked up in suprise. Basketballs? That was their first training? This was going be funny. Mizi may have been atheletic, fast, a good frisbee football player... but she wasn't a basketball player. That was her friend Mallorie, the Nekomata. But she figured she'd have to do it anyway, so she picked up a ball and started to shoot some hoops.

It was a hit-and-miss game. One would go in, the other would fly past and hit the wall miserably. Mizi couldn't help but keep looking at a younger boy in orange and red, fiery colors. He wasn't real good at this. Well, either way, he was the only one trying to start up a conversation.

Mizi smiled. "Nice to... um, meet you Tryt. I'm Catherine Dracona, the Guardian of Dragon. But I don't go by that. I'm Mizuryu." she said with a grin, so that they understood she was the one called but didn't go by that name. She continued to shoot for the basket, but miserably missed again. "It's a little long anyway, so Mizi, Mizu, Miz, or whatever you want to call me works." She looked at the other boy, the werewolf, while dribbling another ball. "Nice to meet you too, Jacob. Can I call you Jake?" She threw the orange ball at the goal, and watched as it sunk through the hoop. She smiled, but knew that she had to get it more than just every once and a while to go on to the next stage of preparation.

Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
I twirled around in the air a bit, trying to get the feel of flight, it was an odd feel, the air rushing through my hair, caressing my sides, sort of pushing me along, sideways, back at the same time. And then there was gravity. It made my wings tired carrying my weight, and eventually I just let myself glide to the ground, then landing with a thud on the ground. My wings ached like my legs did after marching band...

That's when I spotted the basketball. Pssh, I sucked at basketball. Marching yes, I could handle. I had great breath control, no way to march and play without that. I was athletic to an extent, but... basketball just didn't click with me. Not often that is.

I slunk to the ground, trying to get the feeling back in my aching wings, when it hit me. Jericho needed us to play on our strengths. Mine, of course, was air.

I grabbed a ball, feeling the weight of the ball in my hand. I looked at the basket, hoping to do this with pure skill. I shot. The ball flew through the air and was veering a bit to the left, okay, a lot to the left. I concentrated on the ball, then flicked my hand commandingly to the left, creating a breeze, and then it flew, circling the rim, and landed in the basket. Delila gave me this, oh, I get it, look, then blasted her ball with a bit of electric like jets as it veered too high up.

I did it a few more times, getting the feel for my powers, the way it felt to just, control air absolutely, the way I controled a pencil, or the note coming out of an instrument. It was goddamned amazing.

I walked over and introduced myself to the others, "My name's Katalina Martinez, Guardian of Air. You can call me Kat or even K-" I cut myself off there. I think I'll keep that name in band, "Never mind. I'm a fairy by the way, If you couldn't tell already," I said with a laugh, flapping my wings a bit. This was... fun.


Sal stared at her new gym clothes. It was a beautiful brown colour--that Sal guessed was for Ground--and it fitted her perfectly. But Sal didn't bother with inspecting it. She wanted to get down to buisness and use her Ground powers.

Wait, Sal realised. Wouldn't I be rushing it or something? I don't want to make a huge mistake like I know I will. I'll just have a go at the Basketballs I guess....
Sal went over to the Basketballs and picked one up. It had good grip and Sal liked it. Well she guessed that she did anyway.

She had a go at the basket; remembering what she had heard from some kids in her class about hitting the square to get it into the basket. So that's what she did and it completely missed and landed on the rail behind the board. Then the Basketball decided to stay there.

Sal walked away, doing her best to put on an innocent face to show that it wasn't her that got a Basketball stuck. She went over towards the other kids that were introducing themselves but just listened for now. Four people introduced themselves; two girls and two boys. They all said what their element was so that definitely helped a bit.

Sal felt a bit shy but she knew that she shouldn't be. There was no real reason to be but these were people she hadn't actually meet before.
Then it's time to start meeting them, a voice said dominantly in Sal's head. And nothing else seemed to defeat the voice so Sal looked at the floor before looking at the others.

"Um..." Sal felt a bit out of place but hid it expertly and said very fast. "I'mSallyHendersonandI'mtheGuardianofGroundorsomethingIthink. JustcallmeSalthoughoryou'llbeasannoyingasmyEnglishTeacher!"

Sal felt her face go red, she had just made a huge fool of herself in her opinion. She should've just said it normally but something came over her. But then again, after Sal had said the very fast introduction she paused for a few seconds before running to an unused Basketball and boucing it around.

Well that was interesting, Sal thought, feeling her face return to it's normal colour as she bounced the ball under her leg.


Well-Known Member
I looked over my new outfit, a little surprised, but pleased. My tank top was a cold kind of white, not quite plain, and the stitching looked like tiny black claws. My shorts - I hate shorts, I thought for a moment - were icy blue, with a slight snowflake pattern on the hems. At least it's only suggested... I thought, rolling my shoulders and cracking my neck a little. I fingered the strange pattern on the left corner of my shirt, demonic hands holding an ice shard, watching as Kat got her flying lesson and listening to the others introduce themselves. I picked up a basketball as well, tossing it and watching as it soared over the board and hit the wall, bouncing back to me.

Tryt, Jacob, Mizu, Kat, Sal... We're a strange bunch... I thought, arching an eyebrow as Kat and Delila used their powers to get baskets. now there's an idea...

"I'm Rei Johnson," I said nodding to the others. Following their leads, I dropped the last of the spell that kept me mostly human. I grinned a little, just letting my dagger-shaped teeth show. "Guardian of Ice."