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Guess who's coming back in epi 160?


gee that's swell
I'm glad Harly loses. He's such a jerk. May is so cool though. I wish she won every contest. But Munchlax? May does'nt stand a chance


Yeah, ok!
Wow, this thread is going to hell and back. I wonder if this will happen everytime Harley is going to be in a future episode. :/


you suffer
You people need to chill. Seriously.

That said, Munchlax will probably lose this, although I'm hoping for it to pound whatever Harley sends at it into submission. After that massive Solarbeam it used in the Breeding Center episode, I'm eagerly anticipating a real battle from it.


...This is totally not what I wanted to happen. -_-;

Please people, how about everyone just drops the Harley/Gonbe/Haruka bashing and oh, I don't know, discuss what they think will happen? Without saying how much anyone sucks?



Old Coot
CyberCubed said:
Wow, do the writers hate Drew all of a sudden?

Harley is stealing his thunder as May's main rival!
The writers seem to be avoiding Shuu for one reason. He's become a recycled personality. He's the typical pretty boy who seems to think highly of himself compared to others and goes with unique strategies. That's pretty much on par with the old Shigeru of the Kanto days.

Harley's a much more unique rival.

V Faction

You mean unique in the sense that we've never seen this architype before in the past, right Ed? Since, I have to tell you, Harley's starting to bore me: his personality AND his losing.

I don't care if this episode is merely a deviation to extent the plot longer, I want Harrey to win if it means adding [EDIT: or rather, changing] to this stagnant streak of his.


Old Coot
Oh believe me, I really wish the writers wouldn't have him lose so many damn times either. :p The whole getting revenge for loss was fine the first time. But not when the wins becomes so ridiculous on Haruka's part.


Well-Known Member
Edward Elric said:
The writers seem to be avoiding Shuu for one reason. He's become a recycled personality. He's the typical pretty boy who seems to think highly of himself compared to others and goes with unique strategies. That's pretty much on par with the old Shigeru of the Kanto days.

Perhaps the writers are actually trying to mirror the Ash & Gary rivalry in May & Drew... I guess we'll see him face up in the Kanto version of the Grand Festival (if there is one).


Yeah, ok!
Eh, as I said before Gary only appeared 3 times in Johto prior to the league, and that turned out to be his final region.

If Drew only appears two more times before the GF, then there is a chance that May might beat him this time thus fullfilling his purpose in the show. I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be Drew's final region.

Not sure what they plan to do with Harley though. Since he's already lost so many times to her what they plan to do with him is really up in the air.


CyberCubed said:
Not sure what they plan to do with Harley though. Since he's already lost so many times to her what they plan to do with him is really up in the air.

I hope that doesn't mean Harley's the new Team Rocket

*imagines Harley blasting of*

that thought does not make me happy D:


Well-Known Member
CyberCubed said:
I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be Drew's final region.

So, what then? He'll be like Gary and only hang out with his roselia in an attempt to become a Pokemon Researcher? J/K.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
What if Harley joins Team Rocket? I he loses this one, he may be that deseprate.


Well-Known Member
The Big Al said:
What if Harley joins Team Rocket?

Jesus, where did that come from? What connection has there ever been between Harley and Team Rocket?


Contaminated KFC
JazzJazz said:
Jesus, where did that come from? What connection has there ever been between Harley and Team Rocket?
The ol' cheat n' lose? :p


;ord of pokebattles
I have one possibility and that is Harley uses Cacturne for the appeal round while May uses Squirtle then in the battle between at the end of the contest
May uses Munchlax and seeing this Harley ops to use his Banette and then wins the contest.

what do you guys think?

Matt Silver

Rest My Chemistry
I think Harley will win this time around. I hope he does...
Munchlax I think will get whipped by Banette.


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~

Gonbe no Debut Ikusa! Harley and Shinkenshoubu!!

Gonbe's Debut Battle! Harley and Bout with Real Swords!!

The last is the hyper literal translation, any of the less literal translations aren't wrong, far from it, they just continue on the metaphor, seeing as I doubt there will be swords in the battle. The general concept of Shin (Real) Ken (Swords) Shoubu (Victory/defeat, match, contest, game, bout) is up to you, but basically, Battle in Earnest seems to make sense, or the dictionary combined form: (n) fighting with real swords; game played in real earnest; ED.

Anyways, I talk far too much, especially in answer to such a simple question, but I hope that clarifies things!

This info i got off someone from BulbaForum...but anyway...

if that is a title change...that's up all to the mods..lol

as i've noticed in the path that bulba and serebii forum sometimes do have small differences in title :D..lol

so...IT'S ALL COOL :D...as i think the first one sounds better :D


I wish Drew would appear once in a contest, but maybe he will make a debut sometime. Harley is OK, but I'd rather see more of Drew.


Oh! Drew wil not appear again in this Contest ( so sad cause i hope so much). I think may will use Combusken/Squirtle to perform and when fighting, she will use Gonbe. Maybe it will face Banette.
Anyway, i don't like a bad guy like harley to win even though i think gonbe ain't strong enough