My complaints about Haruka's Zenigame are justifiable. My complaints about Haruka's Gonbe are justifiable. My complaints about you, justifiable. Your attitude towards homosexuals and the roles they play in anime.... let's see you try to justify that without being ripped to shreds. And I'm hardly assuming, either, you really do hate Harley just because he's a fruit. You actually said it in a thread, I can go search for it, quote it, and link to the page it's on if you want. Seriously, I'm above crap like "Zenigame & Gonbe R teh su><0rs!!11!" and can give a legitimate, even if it is lengthy and drawn-out, reason as to why I don't really like them. If I can do that, if I can thoroughly criticize, I'm not exactly "bashing", and that goes towards nearly everyone else here but you.
Anyway, in case you're not aware from the examples you just listed, the anime has been trying to convey Rocket Dan as being good people who just try to follow orders and please their organization despite evil intents (and them doing a poor job at it leads to them being comic relief). And all of Rocket Dan's attempts at being good are forgotten by the next episode? Please! Are you completely oblivious to what the writers have been doing with Kojirou as of lately? And besides that, I highly doubt such episodes would be forgotten by the fanbase so easily.... especially not an episode like "A Poached Ego", in which two Pokemon that've been in the anime since episode 2 are finally given the boot in one of the more dramatic moments the series has faced. The true bad guys, or even just tricksters and over-arrogant rivals like Shigeru and Shuu, have gotten away with something in the end, on the other hand. Hell, even Rocket Dan had their share of victory on occasion.... they got Togepi (even though Sakaki didn't want it), and do you honestly think Musashi would have that Habunake right now if they were always failing at what they set out to do (they were trying to catch Habunake from the start, afterall)?