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Guess who's coming back in epi 160?


Super Coordinator
A thing that I think is very cute is how Harley fans think that loser is gonna win someday, come on, Musashi has more chance for a win than he, Harley has the "loser" word writen in his butt and only can win if one of three things happen:
* Playing straight (But this would make him lose his "meany" personality that his fanbase loves)
* If Haruka is not around
* If the Grumpigs fly

And I suppose he stole those five ribbons for the Grand Festival?
I only started liking Harley recently, but even before that I kinda wanted to see him beat May, just to make things interesting. Of course, I try not to get my hopes up for anything anyway. Like Squall says in FF8, you feel less pain that way >.>


Contaminated KFC
Squirtle_007 said:
Let´s see, when I say that Harley is a sissy, pathetic and lousy cheater Cacturne - dressed punching bag I can get banned, but ALL this bashing against Haruka is not worthy enough to a ban.
Wait...what? I think it was a bit harsh to call her 'stupid', but I wouldn't consider Al's post to be bashing Haruka per se. Naive would have fit the bill methinks~
Besides, its a pretty minor statement anyways, compared to the unessicary garb I've seen you spouting >.>;

A thing that I think is very cute is how Harley fans think that loser is gonna win someday, come on, Musashi has more chance for a win than he, Harley has the "loser" word writen in his butt and only can win if one of three things happen:
* Playing straight (But this would make him lose his "meany" personality that his fanbase loves)
* If Haruka is not around
* If the Grumpigs fly

He's obviously capable of holding his own in a pokémon battle, considering he managed to get into the Grand Festival. We've also seen him beat a few coordinators in the preliminary rounds of normal contests, so he's hardly a loser by any means.
He does use underhanded tactics against Haruka on a number of occassions, but thats obviously just a ploy to humiliate her, rather than eliminate her as part of the competition. You're totally missing the point as to why he does these things in the first place.

And please...you're deluded if you think Jessie has a higher chance of winning than he does.


Custom User Title
Squirtle_007 said:
What could you do to me, Yamato-chan? A sissy - Harley style - scratch? Send me a flamboyant kiss?
Congratulations. You've been immature. On the internet. Feel better now?


I own the 5th gen
Squirtle_007 said:
What could you do to me, Yamato-chan? A sissy - Harley style - scratch? Send me a flamboyant kiss?

Nope.... I'm just gonna sit around, wait for you to make an a** of yourself for me, and eventually you'll get banned when you make one too many comments that are either character-bashing, member-bashing, prejudiced against homosexuals, or possibly all of the above in a single post.

Say, now that The Big Al mentions it.... considering the title of this episode, I wonder if there's a possibility that Haruka's lucky streak can finally be brought to an end, and much like Satoshi's transition between Kantou and the Orange Islands, the writers can stop giving her deus ex machina hand-outs and let her character seem capable on its own.


Well-Known Member
Yamato-san said:
Nope.... I'm just gonna sit around, wait for you to make an a** of yourself for me, and eventually you'll get banned when you make one too many comments that are either character-bashing, member-bashing, prejudiced against homosexuals, or possibly all of the above in a single post.

Haven´t you bitten your tongue, Yamato-chan?
*About character-bashing, you are the first that always whines about Haruka´s Squirtle and Munchlax
*About member-bashing, you called me "idiot" and told that my oppinions are "bull$hi+" for no reason
*And the prejudice against homosexuals is just what you are assuming

Anyway, back to topic:
It has been almost ten years of teaching trough the series about "playing fair and square" and "keeping in the good side to be a winner"
Why the writers should change that right now giving the punching bag a victory?
If a character is "bad" from the start, is gonna be "bad" forever no matter what, Team Rocket is a proof of this.
"Pikachu Revolts", the second Pokémon movie, "Ignorance as Blissey" and "A Poached Ego" are forgotten in no time just to glorify "the heroes" an episode later.
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I own the 5th gen
Squirtle_007 said:
Haven´t you bitten your tongue, Yamato-chan?
*About character-bashing, you are the first that always whines about Haruka´s Squirtle and Munchlax
*About member-bashing, you called me "idiot" and told that my oppinions are "bull$hi+" for no reason
*And the prejudice against homosexuals is just what you are assuming

My complaints about Haruka's Zenigame are justifiable. My complaints about Haruka's Gonbe are justifiable. My complaints about you, justifiable. Your attitude towards homosexuals and the roles they play in anime.... let's see you try to justify that without being ripped to shreds. And I'm hardly assuming, either, you really do hate Harley just because he's a fruit. You actually said it in a thread, I can go search for it, quote it, and link to the page it's on if you want. Seriously, I'm above crap like "Zenigame & Gonbe R teh su><0rs!!11!" and can give a legitimate, even if it is lengthy and drawn-out, reason as to why I don't really like them. If I can do that, if I can thoroughly criticize, I'm not exactly "bashing", and that goes towards nearly everyone else here but you.

Anyway, in case you're not aware from the examples you just listed, the anime has been trying to convey Rocket Dan as being good people who just try to follow orders and please their organization despite evil intents (and them doing a poor job at it leads to them being comic relief). And all of Rocket Dan's attempts at being good are forgotten by the next episode? Please! Are you completely oblivious to what the writers have been doing with Kojirou as of lately? And besides that, I highly doubt such episodes would be forgotten by the fanbase so easily.... especially not an episode like "A Poached Ego", in which two Pokemon that've been in the anime since episode 2 are finally given the boot in one of the more dramatic moments the series has faced. The true bad guys, or even just tricksters and over-arrogant rivals like Shigeru and Shuu, have gotten away with something in the end, on the other hand. Hell, even Rocket Dan had their share of victory on occasion.... they got Togepi (even though Sakaki didn't want it), and do you honestly think Musashi would have that Habunake right now if they were always failing at what they set out to do (they were trying to catch Habunake from the start, afterall)?
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Poison Tail!!
Harley better win this contest. The writers better not have him lose twice to her in such a short time. If hes going to take things seriously now then he deserves to win, not that he didnt deserve it before. May, as well as Ash in this point, needs a good butt kicking and served a loss. When was the last time either of them lost? The big battles back in Hoenn? Harley needs to knock May down a peg or two. It seems they are rushing the series but May shouldnt win 5 contests in a row, no way. Anyway Go Harley!! *proud Harley fan**look at banner*

BTW who does Harley's dub voice? I cant quite place him. What other characters has that va done?


Well-Known Member
Yamato-san said:
My complaints about Haruka's Zenigame are justifiable. My complaints about Haruka's Gonbe are justifiable. My complaints about you, justifiable. Your attitude towards homosexuals and the roles they play in anime.... let's see you try to justify that without being ripped to shreds. And I'm hardly assuming, either, you really do hate Harley just because he's a fruit. You actually said it in a thread, I can go search for it, quote it, and link to the page it's on if you want. Seriously, I'm above crap like "Zenigame & Gonbe R teh su><0rs!!11!" and can give a legitimate, even if it is lengthy and drawn-out, reason as to why I don't really like them. If I can do that, if I can thoroughly criticize, I'm not exactly "bashing", and that goes towards nearly everyone else here but you.

Anyway, in case you're not aware from the examples you just listed, the anime has been trying to convey Rocket Dan as being good people who just try to follow orders and please their organization despite evil intents (and them doing a poor job at it leads to them being comic relief). And all of Rocket Dan's attempts at being good are forgotten by the next episode? Please! Are you completely oblivious to what the writers have been doing with Kojirou as of lately? And besides that, I highly doubt such episodes would be forgotten by the fanbase so easily.... especially not an episode like "A Poached Ego", in which two Pokemon that've been in the anime since episode 2 are finally given the boot in one of the more dramatic moments the series has faced. The true bad guys, or even just tricksters and over-arrogant rivals like Shigeru and Shuu, have gotten away with something in the end, on the other hand. Hell, even Rocket Dan had their share of victory on occasion.... they got Togepi (even though Sakaki didn't want it), and do you honestly think Musashi would have that Habunake right now if they were always failing at what they set out to do (they were trying to catch Habunake from the start, afterall)?

Search it, quote it and link it, I´m not afraid, YAMATO-CHAN
And come on, I don´t "hate" Harley, come on, it´s just a cartoon but you LIKE ALWAYS are exaggerating.

And about Team Rocket, I´m not talking about how the fans sees their acts, I´m talking about how the writers forget about them, or tell me when was the last time Satoshi said "thanks" to Team Rocket for helped him in the Lugia movie before blasted them off.


I own the 5th gen
Squirtle_007 said:
Well, let´s put it like this way:
How you can take like a serious villian to a guy that dresses like a Cacturne and sends kisses to the audience?

Quote was gotten from here.


Hmm... Harley isn't a loser. He is a very good trainer and his Team is strong. May wins almost all matches because the show is for kids and "good guys" always must win. I don't understand how baby Squirtle won against Ariados or how baby Bulbasaur won against Cacturne. Every poke fan knows that evolved pokemon is stronger and has better stats. Levels don't exist in the anime (or maybe they exist only nobody cares about them), but her luck is annoying for me. If she wins the next contest I will dislike her. If she really must win, her team should be more professional.
Squirtle_007 said:
Well, let´s put it like this way:
How you can take like a serious villian to a guy that dresses like a Cacturne and sends kisses to the audience?
He is original. I like his style, his attitude. Harley isn't boring rival and it makes him cooler.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I've now found someone more annoying that Kawaiiest.Combusken (and that's saying a lot). Shut up Squirtle_007, seriously. All you've done on this thead is insult Yamato-san, flame me, bash Harley, and antagonize the serious posters on this thread. If you keep this up I will report you.

Back on topic
I guess if May won like she did in Fallarbor (where she used her head instead of relying purely on luck) I could stomach it. However, I would like her lose this one and then for her to win the next one using whatever brains the writers gave her.


Squirtle_007 said:
Search it, quote it and link it, I´m not afraid, YAMATO-CHAN
And come on, I don´t "hate" Harley, come on, it´s just a cartoon but you LIKE ALWAYS are exaggerating.

The correct term is 'anime'.

And stop calling him Yamato-chan. It's san, and you know it.

And about Team Rocket, I´m not talking about how the fans sees their acts, I´m talking about how the writers forget about them, or tell me when was the last time Satoshi said "thanks" to Team Rocket for helped him in the Lugia movie before blasted them off.

...What? I can barely read what you just typed.

Ash never blasted Team Rocket off in the Lugia movie. Team Rocket decided to let go of Lugia on their own, and the only thing Ash did was shout 'Team Rooocket!' and that was that. No wondering if they were alright, or thanking them in his mind.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Squirtle_007 said:
And I used the word "homosexual" .... when?
Douche on a half shell said:
How you can take like a serious villian to a guy that dresses like a Cacturne and sends kisses to the audience?
You're splitting hairs but you have made countless comments about his looks and behavoir and say that it makes him unworthy to be a respectable rival. So you have basically said a homosexual can't be a respectiable rival. So you've shot your mouth off and you lost.


I own the 5th gen
Alfonso said:
And stop calling him Yamato-chan. It's san, and you know it.

That's right, Al.... er [looks at The Big Al]...fonso, and the day I become a mod, I'll have my name changed. Assuming he's still around then, he'll have to refer to me as "sama".... you veterans could still call me what you wish, though.

Michiko said:
Hmm... Harley isn't a loser. He is a very good trainer and his Team is strong. May wins almost all matches because the show is for kids and "good guys" always must win. I don't understand how baby Squirtle won against Ariados or how baby Bulbasaur won against Cacturne. Every poke fan knows that evolved pokemon is stronger and has better stats. Levels don't exist in the anime (or maybe they exist only nobody cares about them), but her luck is annoying for me. If she wins the next contest I will dislike her. If she really must win, her team should be more professional.

I don't know about Fushigidane vs. Noctus.... the first couple of times she won against Harley actually seemed a bit more believable. Fushigidane still seemed a bit like a baby, sure, but it already got a loss in its first contest and managed to mature a bit since then. Not to mention Satoshi gave her a pep speech at the time. Plus, it was more believable that it learned Petal Dance, since aside from being a breeding move in the games, we really don't know what it could've learned back in its home (unlike Zenigame, where we know damn well that it was being raised by Ookido all its life with the intent of being someone's starter, and it never once saw Ice Beam in action). It also didn't use Petal Dance as its trump card (it wasn't an overly powerful attack, just kind of something that went with Razor Leaf to boost its power a bit and make the appeal look good), and Petal Dance wasn't given a flaw at the last minute just to be used to her advantage. The second time she won, she was using Fushigidane along with Agehunt, arguably one of her best Pokemon (that isn't cheap).
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Well-Known Member
You know what?
I´m a little bit tired of all this
I can explain all what you want, but my crappy english don´t let me be a good debater or say exactly what I want to say.
Just one thing: Don´t take it so seriously, it´s just an anime for entertaiment and everyone can say whatever they want.
I must admit that I maybe said things that I shouldn´t say but I won´t regret, it would be useless.

And back to the topic, at this point, I just want to see a good fight, not one like the Skitty vs. Dusclops contest, how about something like this?:
Bannete vs. Munchlax
*Bannete uses Will-O-Wisp
*Munchlax uses Metronome and it comes Foresight
*Bannete uses Thunderbolt
*Munchlax uses Focus Punch
*Bannete uses Taunt making Munchlax can´t use Focus Punch again
*Munchlax uses Solarbeam
*Bannete before fainting uses Destiny Bond
*Both Pokémon faints and nobody wins

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
How about
Munchlax uses Metronome
Metronome became Self-Destruct

Kind of like the joke the people at Pokesho made about May using assist all the time and Misty put a bunch of Electrode in May's team. I know we'll never get it but I'd laugh my rear off if we did.

Btw, we're getting tired of you insulting us and being a jerk.


Harely again.. ugh >< but oh well. This episode is seems interesting. I don`t think Harely will make dirty trick to Haruka this time. I don`t care if Haruka wins or not but.. yea. I want to see Harely wins at least one time.


blows stuff uhup
Oh. I just had a new theory. I've been predicting for a while that Harley will beat May in a late contest and then there'll be a big showdown between them in the Grand Festival. But this episode is only May's third contest - that's very early for a Harley-victory, since he can't appear again until the GF if he beats her now. And if May beats him, then it's just a big Saffron rehash. So maybe what'll actually happen is that Harley will beat May in this episode, and they'll then have their big, final battle in her last contest, with them both competing for their fifth ribbons. Then the GF will be left free to focus on May-Drew. Hmmm. Looks like I'll have to wait and see what happens in this ep before deciding what's up.