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Guide to Buying in the Underground


Pippi! Pi!
I made this map and this list for my Item list research, but I think it can stand alone in its own thread. ;) If need be, we can branch it out into a more general "underground" thread, but for now, this is what I have.

The Map

Every red square represents a hiker who will either sell you items for gems, or will buy the overworld items you've dug up in exchange for gems. As you can see, there are twenty hikers there. ;)

A big part of the underground is digging for items and finding traps. Thanks to my item faq (link to topic in my sig) I've compiled a beginning list of the traps you can find underground, what they do, and what can be done to counteract their effect. As I find more, I'll list them here. :)
Name                Effect                        Remedy
Boulder Trap        Drops a huge boulder in your  Repeatedly touch the boulder
                    path.                         with the stylus to break it
Bubble Trap         Creates a multitude of        Break each bubble by touching
                    bubbles to block your path.   it with the stylus.
Confusion Trap      Causes your character to      Keep moving until it passes.
                    ignore orders and move
Deep Hole Trap      Creates a deep, soggy hole    Repeatedly change direction
                    for you to stick in.          rapidly to break free.
Ember Trap          Creates a small fireball to   Blow in the mic to clear the
                    block your path.              fire away.
Foam Trap           Creates a few bubbles to      Break each bubble by touching
                    block your path.              it with the stylus.
Hole Trap           Creates a soggy hole for you  Repeatedly change direction
                    to stick in.                  rapidly to break free.
Leaf Trap           Covers your vision with       Blow in the mic to clear the
                    leaves.                       leaves away.
Move Down Trap      Sends you zooming downwards   Wait for it to pass.
                    for a short distance.
Move Left Trap      Sends you zooming left        Wait for it to pass.
                    for a short distance.
Move Right Trap     Sends you zooming right       Wait for it to pass.
                    for a short distance.
Move Up Trap        Sends you zooming upwards     Wait for it to pass.
                    for a short distance.
Petal Dance Trap    Covers your path with         Blow in the mic to clear the
                    petals.                       petals away.
Reversal Trap       Reverses the directional      Walk for a while until it
                    controls for a short          passes. It won't pass without
                    distance.                     distance.
Rock Trap           Drops a cracked rock in your  Repeatedly touch the rock with
                    path.                         the stylus to break it apart.
Sign Trap 1         Causes you to pause for a     Wait for it to pass.
                    moment, and flashes a
                    message on the top screen
                    that reads, "Hello! Nice to
                    meet you!"
Sign Trap 2         Causes you to pause for a     Wait for it to pass.
                    moment, and flashes a
                    message on the top screen
                    that reads, "Goodbye! I have
                    to return to the surface!"
Sign Trap 3         Causes you to pause for a     Wait for it to pass.
                    moment, and flashes a
                    message on the top screen
                    that reads, "Let's go to the
                    Union Room!"
Speed Down Trap     Sends you zooming downwards.  Wait for it to pass.
                    Moves farther than the Move
Speed Left Trap     Sends you zooming left.       Wait for it to pass.
                    Moves farther than the Move
Speed Right Trap    Sends you zooming right.      Wait for it to pass.
                    Moves farther than the Move
Speed Up Trap       Sends you zooming upwards.    Wait for it to pass.
                    Moves farther than the Move

Explanation of the areas in your bag, and what they do
1. The top item - This is for traps. If you have traps in your bag, you can access them here. There are a couple of different ways of getting traps, but I'll go into that in a minute. First, this is what happens when you select one from your bag.
-three options. First one - Bury. Second one - throw away. Third one - stop. The first one allows you to "set" the trap by burying it. You'll know where you buried it, because you'll see a marker for it above ground - a square shape. Don't step on it, lol. The second option will let you throw away the trap. This is useful if your trap bag is full and you want to put different ones in. The third option lets you exit that menu.

Now then. You can get traps two different ways (that I know of). One, you can pick them up off the ground. You can see the little sparklies on the ground if you touch the touch screen when one's nearby. If you want to pick up a trap (a good idea if you want to avoid stepping on it) simply stand next to it and hit A while facing it. Another way to get traps is to buy them from the hikers. I have a guide to the underground that can tell you where those hikers are.

2. The second menu item is your gem pouch. This holds all the gems you pick up, but it can only carry so much. When you collect gems you've dug up, it won't automatically add them to a collection of that kind. You have to actually combine them together. Unfortunately, this process causes you to lose a lot of gems, but it's the only way to save space in your pack. Also, when you buy from the hikers, they won't accept more than one pile of gems as payment; it all has to be one lump sum. That's important to keep in mind.

To combine the gems, select one of them, and you'll be faced with the same menu options that you had for the traps. You can bury, throw away, or stop. To combine your gems, you need to bury one after the other. Don't worry about accidentally mixing two different colors together; it won't let you do it. Anyway, after you've buried all your gems of one color in the same spot, just exit the menus and hit A, and you'll pick them up, this time with them being in one pile. Like I said, you lose a lot of gems this way, but it's just the nature of the beast.

3. The third option is your "Goods" bag. This is all of the items you carry to furnish your secret base with. Things like dolls, furniture, cushions, etc. You only have two menu options with these - throw away and stop. You can only carry ten of these items at any one time, so you may need to throw some away, if you don't want to sell them to hikers. Until you actually make your secret base, you won't have any other options.

4. Your fourth menu item is your "Treasure" bag. These are all the overworld items you've dug up. Things like fossils, elemental stones, heart scales, etc. This menu has three options for the items - "Put in the bag," throw away, and stop. The first option is what you'll be using the most. :p This is how you transfer these items from your treasure bag underground, to your pack aboveground. The other two are self-explanatory.

5. This is your trainer card. There are a variety of things on here that I've never looked at before, so bear with me. I'll put them in order as they come, from left to right, and up to down.
- Name
- ID
- Score
- Number of people encountered
- Number of goods given
- Number of flags stolen
- Number of fossils dug (found)
- Number of traps set

6. This option is to return you to the overworld. If you choose this, it will ask you if you really want to return. The first option is yes, and the second is no.

7. The last option is "end."

There you have it. Those are all the menu options, and what they do.
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PokeTrainer Miki
hey this is absolutely great! thanks i really needed one!


<- He want da cookie
How do you place items in your secret base?


I went to #9 and he had these for sale.
Something Blue 31
Something Red 23
Something Red 9
Something Blue 12
Something Blue 36
Is there something wrong with my game? Are the items random?


Rainbow Trainer
I LOVE YOU! this should be stickied ^_^; yes it should~

Btw, its doll, not door XD why would you have doors in your base?!?

cos um the japanese dont have l's so they turn them into r's.
EDIT: Just went to check this out and...

None of my game matches yours =/ I visited person number 2 and he didnt sell items and my hiker 1 wasnt selling at all the same things as you. shall I write up my own version of the game?

for example, hiker number 7 was selling.

shoppu tana (shop shelf) green 45
sougankyou (binoculars?) pink 25
achamo dooru (torchic doll) red 29
kenkyuu machin (study machine?) white 28
kaifuku machin (recovery machine?) white 96
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Pippi! Pi!
I LOVE YOU! this should be stickied ^_^; yes it should~

Btw, its doll, not door XD why would you have doors in your base?!?

cos um the japanese dont have l's so they turn them into r's.
EDIT: Just went to check this out and...

None of my game matches yours =/ I visited person number 2 and he didnt sell items and my hiker 1 wasnt selling at all the same things as you. shall I write up my own version of the game?

for example, hiker number 7 was selling.

shoppu tana (shop shelf) green 45
sougankyou (binoculars?) pink 25
achamo dooru (torchic doll) red 29
kenkyuu machin (study machine?) white 28
kaifuku machin (recovery machine?) white 96
Ayaa... I was afraid of this. xD I'll have to reword it then. :p I should have known those weren't all the items you could buy. xD Thanks so much for clearing that up! (You too, SkittyOnWailord xD).


Rainbow Trainer
Pachirisu to place items in your base just go up to the entrace, top option for the first question (do you want to go in? - yes) and then second option to go in and change the furniture.

Once inside go to the computer, put your furniture in the computer, and then place them with the top option. Theres a total of 10 items =(

The hikers were still selling the drill after I had used my first one but I dont know how to relocate my base..

Also I saw some hiker in the map that isnt marked in yours who was selling/buying traps.


Pippi! Pi!
Pachirisu to place items in your base just go up to the entrace, top option for the first question (do you want to go in? - yes) and then second option to go in and change the furniture.

Once inside go to the computer, put your furniture in the computer, and then place them with the top option. Theres a total of 10 items =(

The hikers were still selling the drill after I had used my first one but I dont know how to relocate my base..

Also I saw some hiker in the map that isnt marked in yours who was selling/buying traps.
I was pretty sure I had missed a few. ;) If you guys find one, be sure to put a marker on the map for me, and I'll add them in there. :p Simply save the image to your computer by putting this in your address bar:


and going to the image and saving it. Then, open it up in Paint, and put some kind of marker in the place where you found the hiker. You don't have to use the red square if you don't want to. ;) I'll be updating my map with your input anyway.

Then, save it as either a JPEG, GIF, or PNG, and upload it to imageshack. Paste the URL into a post in this thread, and I'll take care of the rest. :p If you can, also do what Kyledove said and tell whether or not he's selling items or traps. :p

Thanks so much guys!


Legendary Collector
Man this helps greatly, but I wonder how to relocate?


Rainbow Trainer

the hiker was somewhere in the red circle I think, also I think there were paths in the areas I drew black lines.


*swoons for Noland*
How does one get to vendors #15 and 16?

For #12-14, dig on the island with the running NON-trio legendary.
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Rainbow Trainer
I just checked today and hiker number 7 was selling completely different things from yesterday. I think what they sell changes everyday.


New Member
I think I have my drill(i don't see it in my inventory) How do I use it????

Eclipsed soul

Houndour Trainer
Wow, this is REALLY is helping me, thanks ^____^ <3333 If I discover anything myself on the underground, I'll be glad to point it out.

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
nice im sure this will be VERY helpful for people who imported