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Guide to getting the Legendary Dogs!


Well-Known Member
A good trick is to get alot of Max Repels, have your highest lv Pokemon in front, then go to I believe one of the guard buildings, use Max Repel in there (make sure it's in the building), then go out the building into the grass. This abuses the fact he runs everytime you enter a building, so walk around 20 steps, then go back in and out again. You might have to reset quite a few times, but it's surefire to work eventually.

The best way is to use Route 11 in my experiences. Make sure your Pokemon is anywhere from lv. 22-47 for best results (any lower and you might get high level wild Pokemon from the area, and over can cause the Dog to not show up). You can use the standard Golbat with Mean Look, Wobbafett with Shadow Tag, Masterball it, or Sleep-related move.


Completing The Trio
or another way is to grab a max repel have a level 48 pokemon in the lead find a patch of grass and activate max repel, now save the game.

run around until your max repel runs out, then soft reset [ Start+Select+A+B], and begin again


Well-Known Member
No, because as I recall if you use the Max Repel in the grass, it runs from that area either way no matter what level. Hence why you do it in the building
I knew this already and I caught my Suicune with almost the exact same method as yours


The Master...
Wow!A method whoever heard of looking in the grass randomly