Hehe, I agree, zonic, that noise rocked!
Well, I was quite surprised at this episode. Really bringing back the forgotten, aren't we? Meganium, rarely seen. Tangela, next to never seen. Parasect, about 200 some episodes ago if I remember correctly. Heavy Ball, quite forgotten. I always liked the Apricorn balls....Plus, I distinctly recognized some Kanto music when the Gulpin burst out of the sewer after the Trainer's Choice(which was odd, BTW, as Carvanha could've done just as well as Treecko). The giant battle was kinda disappointing. But, we hardly saw any TR, which is a plus. Gulpin's voice was good too, unusually.
Overall rating:
8.7 out of 10!!
Somewhat nostalgic, but otherwise, not a bunch of redeeming qualities. Still worth watching though.
SC~ out