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Guy at the space centre

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Shuckle trainer
I've heard that if the guy in the space centre that talks about the amount of successful rocket launches says a number over 50 or some other high number, you get to go to the moon.

Is this true? Does something else happen if he says a certain number? Or is it just a load of rubbish? Personally, I think this whole going to the moon thing is rubbish. But there might be some truth in it.

-shuckle_is_the_best ;213;
Nup. All he is there for is to be a helpful counter for the number of weeks since you started your game.
there is a lot of crap on the internet about going to the moon and getting deoxys/jirachi but its just made up. ;123;

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
No it is a stupid rumor started to send you off on a quest that will end with you being disappointed. these idiotic 'cheats' have been around as long as pokemon and the internet.


Chuckie's back....
I hate those stupid rumor making retards!I actually believed that and wasted 3% of my life and no its fake


Torterra Firma
Anything that involves told numbers are a lie.

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
since the strenght/truck/mew "cheat" I don't believe any rumour anymore


My friend actually tried that in FR. He ended up sorely dissapointed.


fuk yo couch ***** !
ffs. is there NOWHERE on the forums that someone can put a massive big notice/sign that says this rumour is complete s**t ? its getting pretty dull :/


Well-Known Member
I tis 100% fake. There was a video about it too, it looked so fake. I have 59 rocket lounches and It still did not work, I'm sure its fake. Like the posters above said, it is a good counter of how long you've been playing other then the actual timer in your game.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
ffs. is there NOWHERE on the forums that someone can put a massive big notice/sign that says this rumour is complete s**t ? its getting pretty dull :/

It's in the Emerald FAQ. Do people READ the FAQs? Now there's the problem. :/

-Answered, closed
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