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Gym Battles


Well-Known Member
Certain Gyms are supposed to raise the stats of your Pokemon when you beat them. How does this work? Does it just raise it, does it count towards EV's?



You know, that’s interesting.

I think they’re just lieing and it doesn’t have any effect at all. No guide on EVs or IVs ever mention the Gym Badges and it certainly doesn’t boost your actual stats.


Arriving glacially.
In R/B/Y it did. I remember its special stat, but I don't remember the level. I had a Charizard on my team and I faced Blaine. Before I beat him, it had a special of 158, but after I beat him it grew to 160. It didn't grow any levels during the time I fought him either because I remember trying to make sure it didn't fight any pokemon on his team JUST so I could test this. Though I didn't test it for the other badges, I'm SURE it worked for Blaine.

I know this doesn't apply in the 3rd Gen games though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, because I remember always reading in the guide-books that beating Lt Surge will increase Speed, etc.

And I just wondered if anything actually happened by "increasing speed."



Powerplay Champion
from what i've seen... it only raises the stats of the pokemon you have on you... the blaine example was great... it worked like a zinc, carbos etc, based on the badge,
I believe I saw once when I beat Lt.Surge, my Charmeleon had one extra point of speed :confused: