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Gym Leader Challenge Spinoff


Well-Known Member

After reading about both the RSE and the FRLG Gym Leader Challenges, I sent the links to those threads to my pokemon-playing friends. I wanted to do the gym challenge as well, ans I was gonna have them assign my team and see if ayone else wanted to do this.

However, intead of doing this the normal way, we have decided to change it up a bit. Everyone chooses a type or gym to represent(I chose Poison).

After everyone chooses their types, then you build up a team to lvl 50 for your 'gym'. Then, everyone lvls up another 'challenger team' to use against everyone elses gym leader teams. Challenger team is still being decided whether it ought to be lvl 40 or 45(challenger team can be comprised of anything you want). When everyone is ready, you battle the gym and challanger teams to see who can come out on top. Everyone knows what types are being used for the gyms, but not what pokemon specifically.

We are still debating on some possible guidelines, such as the only pokemon who can be on your gym team are those whos primary type is the tyope your gym is(so, I couldnt use a Gengar, since he is ghost/poison, opposed to if he were poison/ghost), every pokemon on a gym team must have at least one move of the type the gym is(all my guys would have to have a poison move, etc), and no legendary pokemon may be used on either gym or challenger teams.

What do you guys think of this idea?

top 8 guy

Pretty, good I think, btw If i'm allowed to join I choose Psychic, and can the types be like psychic flying? cheers


Good at Life.
I call the Fighting Gym.

PM me when details are worked out.

Optical Flash

Scramble Master
Enter The Scramble Master.

Hmm... sounds like a fairly decent idea, I could help you out as well, whether as a challenger or devote my expertise towards being a Gym Leader, Im quite skilled at handling Bug Types as well as mostly any other type effectively against all other types, send me a PM if you need some assistance;

\\O.F Out//


Well-Known Member
I call psychic, do we pick our team?
and how does tis work , i didnt understand the first post.


Angels Amoonguss
I'll take bug. Do we only use Hoenn pokemon?


um, and stuff
So let me get this straight you chose I type and you Pokemon and a challenger is made up and then we go on Netbattle and then the challenger battles each of us.
So I will be the 6th leader and I will be using Water types
And can I use other types like in D/P but with Water type attacks.

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
^ and the gymleader pokémon are lvl. 50

Also all of us (even the gym leaders) make a Challenger team, wich can consist of ANY pokémon you want.

then we all challenge the other leaders and the one wich wins all the "badges"

I'll edit when I decided my team.



A shade of mystery
We could totally do this for D/P when it comes out: Then let the others download our teams and fight them out.

If so, I call Normal. Normal hasn't been taken yet XD.

If not normal, then Grass ;p.

I have Ruby, Sapphire and LeafGreen.


Well-Known Member
if we are supposed to post our teams then i will.

does anyone know if there will or is someway to get D/P pokemon on netbattle?