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gym theme


this is just something i noticed but 3 of 4 games now have the first gymleader as rock type is this some kind of tradtion discuss YEAH NEW RANK

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
there should be more variety.

Grass Guardian

Rags to Riches
I'm thinking it's because it's an easy type to battle against for beginners because most of them are slow and weakened by two of the starters. Gyms get harder as the game progresses so the first gym is supposed to be kind of easy, hence why that type is weakened by both water and grass.


Natsu no Maboroshi
They should make the 1st gym more challenging. It's way too easy to defeat it.


Well-Known Member
It's good that it is easy so n00bs dont get deafeted on the first gym.


aka Arbok
I'm thinking it's because it's an easy type to battle against for beginners because most of them are slow and weakened by two of the starters. Gyms get harder as the game progresses so the first gym is supposed to be kind of easy, hence why that type is weakened by both water and grass.

Yup, but it's: Simple for Water & Grass, but hard for Fire (except for Torchic since Combusken can also use Fight Attacks).

They could also start with a Normal Type.


Ground, too much like Rock...
Electric, tricky for water, easier for grass and neutral for fire...
Since even in the flying gym on g/s/c, the birds had mud slap....>.>


Well-Known Member
As a few people have said, with Rock that's an easy win for two of the starting types. I say go with something neutral. Fighting?

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
I would say water is the easyest

The Fly

Well-Known Member
I seriously think there should be a stat theme. You know, Pokemon that excel in Attack, Speed, etc. It would definitely encourage more variety.


They should have more variety... I always wanted the first gym to have a normal/fairy sort of theme... with the these pokemon
Level 12: Cleffa ;173;
Level 12: Igglybuff ;174;
It's easy like a first gym should be... but it doesn't give a disadvantage for when you choose the fire starter...


Don't Blink
^That dosn't have much to do with it. Mud~Slap was just to annoy you. think they should start with a Grass~Type Gym, then it would be:

And yes, a Dark~Type Gym is well overdue.



Hmmm I understand all of your concerns about the first gym being easy, but you have to think that they made your rival pick the opposite pokemon so it would be a "challenge" to you everytime you battle him/her.

I have an idea that I came up with while typing what I said above: How about the first gym change according to what pokemon type you chose. So Grass would have a Flying gym, Water would have an Electric gym, and Fire would have a Rock gym.

One great thing about opposites are this: It forces you to catch other pokemon to find a weaknes. For example, whenever I choose charmander for FR/LG, I usually capture a Caterpie (to evolve into a Butterfree for his Confusion attack) or a Mankey (for it's Karate Chop). Sure Butterfree is a bug/flying pokemon (a double negative against a rock pokemon), but I like to think "Hit 'em hard, and hit 'em fast" when it comes to that battle.

I believe every game has at least pokemon to help win a battle. Just take a look at the first three in FR/LG:
Brock: Starter, Butterfree, or Mankey
Missy: Starter, Pikachu, Bellsprout
Lt Surge: Diglet/Dugtrio, Geodude, NidoKing.


Well-Known Member
Gyms need more dark IMO.

I was pretty ****** off when I found out that the first gym leader has rock types...again. At least in Diamond and Pearl the gym leaders don't always stick to their gym type: there are many exceptions.

Oh well, it's only gyms. What I really want them to focus on is story-based bosses. We don't seem to have many of them though (leader of the evil team, and that's about it).