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Gymbaliar! (476)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
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On their way to the next city, Ash & Co. come across a Mysterious Unofficial Gym run, unknown to them, by Team Rocket. While there, Brock makes friends with a Croagunk that has been following and helping Team Rocket out. What are Team Rocket's Plans & will Ash & Co. stop them?

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Almighty Zard

He has returned.
watch people start tring to say brock didn't get it cause he didn't put it in a ball >_> then again he didn't put Lotad in a ball either


Yeah, ok!
Greggle really does seem like a odd choice for Brock. I never would have figured that of all the D/P Pokes out there that the writers would choose to give him a poison frog.

Heh, I just thought this was going to be a typical filler episode with some Greggle at a Gym, it was quite a surprise to actually see Brock get the thing.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
That was honestly a suprise. Mimiroru is seen with Hikari in the intro and Brock is not seen with with Greggle, yet the Greggle capture happens before the Mimiroru episode. Maybe giving him Greggle was just a last-minute move. I totally don't see Dokuroggle working for Brock, though.

Anyways, seen the pics up at PM#, and seriously, how long does the episode go on for before the intro starts? Looks like at least two full minutes.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Maybe...since Greggle wasn't a preview Pokemon like all the other groups.

Dokureggle is hideous, especially as it has bandaged it's crotch....0.0

However, I haven't seen Sugimori art.

Of course, surprisingly Brock has alot of evolutions...

Anyone else upset Dustox lost it's first battle in ages? To a filler-filler guy.
I was surprised that Brock caught Gregguru. I guess the opening does not show everything. I mean Shinji caught Ursaring...anyway, that was a surprise to see Greggle going to Brock, I mean I thought Brock was not going to get a new pokemon not until at least after Hikari's contest!

Korobooshi Kojiro

It was Poison Stab, but I think Greggle can poison by touch.




~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Greggle + Ear pulling gag when Brock flirts + Poison = WINNAR!

Perfect choice i guess...

as it fits well with me...a new way

before it was a girl, then a lil guy, and now a pokemon...NEXT TIME IT'LL BROCK HIMSELF :p....

haha...great episode...like it...

Gregguru should be a good entertainer..like LOMBRE..as dats wat he remind me of
It was Poison Stab, but I think Greggle can poison by touch.



OMFG YAY! Greggle is one of my favorite D/P pokemon (Don't ask why, I don't even know) But yay, It isn't going to die in it's monsterball! :D!

That made my day.