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Well-Known Member
Does it seem like in PMD they got shafted...greatly?

I'm all for the not-really stat increase upon evolving, however...

Magikarp and Feebas...kinda needed that.

I have a Milotic now with 10 attack/defence 9 sp.atk sp.def XD

So is it just me or did they get the short end of the stick in this game? It's like raising a magikarp...with a dual electric weakness and more attacks!

Maybe im missing something?


Gyarados and Milotic have better stat increases per level than their unevolved forms, so evolve them as early as possible and they won't suck so bad.


ooo, what's cooking?
I just finished western cave, and came out with a buety scarf, so i can eveolve a feebas, does anyone want a code that'll make magikarp/feebas apper ib their game.

For Magikarp
X??S ??X? 468?
(f)+?? 9756 SY??

and Feebas
X?7P (f)?+? ?XP6
RJ?Q FJC5 ?W??

complements to the prima game guide for PMD for the codes. They both ez B ranks, they ike on the 12th floor of a big dungeon, but they ez. U get a Trawl orb if u beat the feebas, and 400 Poke for the Magikarp 1. U gotta save magikarp on 12th floor o Stormy Sea, and u gotta find Feebas on 9th floor of Grand Sea, give him a Cheri Berry, ez no? Peace out!
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Well-Known Member
Magikarp evolves into a Gyarados at level 20.
Gyarados learns Bite at level 20.
But you could use a Doom Seed then level it up to 20 again and it'll learn Bite.

In order to evolve a Feebas into a Milotic, raise its IQ by using Blue Gummis.


Well-Known Member
Magikarp evolves into a Gyarados at level 20.
Gyarados learns Bite at level 20.
But you could use a Doom Seed then level it up to 20 again and it'll learn Bite.

In order to evolve a Feebas into a Milotic, raise its IQ by using Blue Gummis.

Actually, to evolve a Feebas just give it the Beauty Scarf when it evolves.


Well-Known Member
XD How'd everyone get on the subject of how they evolve?

They keep the lame fish stats when they evolve, so I was poking fun at the big fish. I guess the stats do increase better when they level, thats what I was missing.