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Gyrados or Milotic? stats are both 540

Gyrados or Milotic? total base stats are both 540

  • Gyrados

    Votes: 23 41.8%
  • Milotic

    Votes: 32 58.2%

  • Total voters


dragon rider knight
I perfer Gyrados because it has access to dragon dance.
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Depends. Milotic for stalling, Gyarados for attacking. My fav has always been Gyarados just because it came first and its freaking awesome.
Personally, I like Gyarados a lot more. It's one of my favorite Pokemon... :3

I have a lv.100 Milotic, and a lv.100 Gyarados, though.

Gyarados with Dragon Dance and EQ/Return hits hard. XD


YOUR best friend
Battle-wise: Gyarados has a double weakness, and I prefer staying far away from anything with double weaknesses when picking Pokemon for the Battle Frontier. Milotic is a wonderful Pokemon to battle with - good defenses AND special attack, and it can learn Recover.

Design and personality-wise: Gyarados reminds me of Charizard in a way - they both try to look cool, but end up looking horrible. It's one of those annoying GROARGH FEAR ME Pokemon who I dislike immensely. Milotic on the other hand, while being a bit too stereotypically pretty for my tastes, apparently has a calm and friendly personality, which is awesome.

So yes, I obviously prefer Milotic.


Scyther FTW <3
Depends. Gyarados for battles, but Milotic of you wish to go far in a Contest. However, Milotic is decent in battle anyway. But I've always pulled twords Gyarados becuase he's awesome and alot easier to evolve. =P


Ok I ALWAYS try to avoid threads like this but I couldn't resist. Well I do like Gyrados quite a bit but compared to Milotic, it's NOTHING. As you can see it's my FAVORITE and I just like using it in battle way more. Comparison: Level 100 Milotic...Level 31 Gyrados. Hehe now does that tell you my opinion?


Gotta say Milotic, looks better and IMO better moves... Gyarados would be most likely to use a special attack which could be Mirror Coated back at it's face. Add that to Recover and you're set almost.
Also Gyarados has a double weakness to Electric attacks... so that can't help much.

Horn Drill

I like Gyarados better. I've used it in most of my games since the start, and they keep on improving it with each generation. It's going to be an absolute beast in DP now that it gets Ice Fang and Aqua Tail.


Well-Known Member
You can just teach gyarados water fall. It does more damage then Aqua tail.

Milotic for me. With Flame orb she will be an undefeatable wall!

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
They both have different functions though.

Gyarados has the potential to sweep hard, but it's not the best Dragon Dancer out there. Salamence, Dragonite and Tyranitar have a much more varied movepool and have better stats in general. The only redemning feature that Gyarados has over those three is that it doesn't get walled by bulky waters. D/P's going to be doing a lot of good for it though with Ice Fang and Aqua Tail.

Milotic's one of the best bulky waters out there, especially with Rest and Sleep Talk. With a base 120 Spec. Def it could take unboosted super effectives to a certain extent, and walls any physical sweeper with ease. One of my favourite water pokemon if I may say.


I prefer Milotic...

Gyarados is much like Alakazam to me, It's always been in the games, but I've had no interest to train one, plus the whole gimmick of getting it isn't as interesting as getting Milotic.

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
I like Gyardos better, I dunni I just think it's cooler and scary, Milotic is beautiful thought I give you that, not that bad..


Well-Known Member
Milotic. i don't care about stats. i just care if the pokemon is cute and nice! heck! i like magikarp 7x better than gyrados!

-Chimungus ;457;


Both are very good pokemon, especially with the boosts Gyarados has now with a more meaningful movepool, like Aqua Tail. I prefer Gyarados due to it being much easier to get, but both are very worthy additions to a team.
I like Milotic a lot. She's so beautiful and powerful. On the other hand, never been much of a Gyarados fan, though he isn't so bad. =P

I guess I prefer Milotic's defensive drive and Special-based Stats. Always preferred Special to Physical myself. ^^