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Hacker needed-Ranger's password

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herd u liek mudkips?
Okay, I am making this thread because we need a hacker that can hack Pokemon Ranger. We are having trouble with a password that you can bring up on the Ranger.net screen. We suspect that if we get the password, we will be able to obtain the Manaphy Egg. For more information, click the link below:

Ranger, Enter a password thread

I sincerely hope that we can crack this password.


Glitch Hunting Freak
This is pointless, why makea thread for cheats?
The point is to play the game fairly.

Last time I checked, inputting a password into the game under ranger net, under the IMPUT PASSWORD selection doesn't qualify as cheating, unless even imputting a password for any game is...


herd u liek mudkips?
Did you count spaces?


herd u liek mudkips?
Well, spaces count so count spaces.


Creepy Coney Man :)
I think we are going to need more people to post here so I request that all of us have to post here all day long until we get the answer to this topic.
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