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Hacks which would be useful here

Virtual Headache

Well, browsing through vB.org, I've found a few hacks which I consider useful for SPPf.
I've tested them all myself so I can be sure they'll work.
Note that these hacks don't take much time to install.

Automatic Welcome PM
This has already been suggested in the most recent threads, but I thought I should bring it up again.
Whenever a user joins and activates their account, they'll automatically get a PM.
You can change the PM text to whatever you want, so you could use it for showing the newbies the most important threads and rules.

Search for Posts in Thread by Username
A little addiditon which can be quite handy, espcially in big forums like SPPf.
It lets you search for the posts a user has made in a specific thread.

Reported post creates new thread
Whenever a user reports a post anew thread will be created in a specific forum. I think this more handy than the standard report system.
Mods won't have to check their emails, since reports won't be sent to their emailadresses anymore.
All they need to do is to keep an eye on the forum where the reports will show.

Censorship per Forum
Probably useful for the Fanfiction forums, since you could turn off the censor there then.

Realtime Template Compressor
This one should actually save bandwith and make pages load faster, which could be very useful here.

Well, that's it for now.

btw: Is this the right forum? There is neither a thread nor a forum for forum suggestions...
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one love
Yeah, those all sound like handy and efficient tools for the forum. The latest upgrade of vBulletin was helpful beyond measure, but these should dissolve most of the forum-related peeves people have about the forums.

Well, except for the mod situation. ;[

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
That first one would be heaven on earth.

Read this 'Bii.


Well-Known Member
Yes, that first one would settle many angry posts and things about how no one is changing the names that haven't been changed and they're still on the thread. Personally. I don't know why those people just up and left without doing their job. But then again, this is SPP.

The first one would be great. That last one too. Just put a subforum in the mod lounge.


Custom User Title
The third one would also be quite useful. Several times I've found myself searching through huge threads page by page because such an option was not available.


Oddish plzkthnxbai
The first is a must-have. Considering I want to change my name.
The 2nd one isn't as important, but would still be helpful.
The 3rd one doesn't appeal to me much, although it would help if I wanted to see if someone has replied to me without having to go through pages and pages.
I never use the report button so I don't really care about the last one.


#1 would be nice, although I'm not gonna change this name. 2 is definitely needed. It would (hopefully) kill the n00bishness here, and could also be used as justification for harsher punishments ( *wants* ). 3 would be good, although I personally wouldn't need it, and 4... I dunno about that one. It would be a great idea if you could get all the reports for each user in one thread. That way, violations of rules would be very easy to see.

Factory Head Noland

Good ideas there, I like them.

The first one would be easier on everyone, Admin and members.

pika2000 is more helpful than most Mods here...


Well-Known Member
1) I agree with this one the most, I want it the most.
2) If you make it so it has the rules, then saying 'I forgot to read the rules' would be a lie.
3) Yeah, I'd like it. I tried it a lot but it didn't work.
4) So there could be a section for reports? Good idea for mods.


Still believing!
1: Very good suggestion. Just keep the limit on changing your name once in two months. If not, this forum could get very confusing.

2: Useful too, but you have to take two things into consideration. One, is that new people might not know already how the PM system works, and thus simply doesn't notice the PM. Two, the PM will be helpfull against newbies, but not against n00bs that refuse to read/follow the rules regardless of what you tell them.

3: Been waiting for something like this myself. Hey, do you happen to have something to look up a term in all the posts by one user? That would come in handy too.

4: Nice idea, but again there is a problem. Remember that some people report posts just for fun or for lame reasons. This may increase if every reported post starts his own thread, especially if those threads are accesible to the regular members (are they!) which might start a whole bloody lot of discussions/flamewars, and a lot more mod-time to clean up the mess. Then again, not making this forum accesible to regular members solves this problem.


Well-Known Member
PokeProphet said:
4: Nice idea, but again there is a problem. Remember that some people report posts just for fun or for lame reasons. This may increase if every reported post starts his own thread, especially if those threads are accesible to the regular members (are they!) which might start a whole bloody lot of discussions/flamewars, and a lot more mod-time to clean up the mess. Then again, not making this forum accesible to regular members solves this problem.
Let's not forget something, reports can do one of two things: find reported posts, and find trolls. If someone does report a bad thread or post, it's going to be dealt with accordingly. Now if someone makes a bad judgement or feels like trolling with the report system, then they can be dealt with accordingly by the moderator present. It would still be the same as if the person was reporting regularly and they would be going into the email box. It just takes a little bit more effort with moderators.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
They aren't really that good, in my opinion. The one I find least helpful is the

pika2000 said:
Automatic Welcome PM
This has already been suggested in the most recent threads, but I thought I should bring it up again.
Whenever a user joins and activates their account, they'll automatically get a PM.
You can change the PM text to whatever you want, so you could use it for showing the newbies the most important threads and rules.

I have become a member at your forum, pika2000, and I didn't really find it helpful. Even if I was new to the world of forum communities, I wouldn't really find any use for the PM, and it's definitely not the most important hack of the four you suggested.
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Virtual Headache

PokeProphet said:
2: Useful too, but you have to take two things into consideration. One, is that new people might not know already how the PM system works, and thus simply doesn't notice the PM.
The Registration Options could be changed so the "Pop up a Notification Box When a Private Message is Received" option is automatically turned on.
Pop-ups can't be ingored that easily and the newbies would see that they've got a PM.

Magma Leader Maxie said:
I have become a member at your forum, pika2000, and I didn't really find it helpful. Even if I was new to the world of forum communities, I wouldn't really find any use for the PM, and it's definitely not the most important hack of the four you suggested.
It always depends on the PMs content.
I'm using the default text which can be changed of course.

Oh yeah, it would also be nice to see the staff's opinion...


This is a great idea. They all would be extremely useful....But, I doubt actual attention will be paid to this thread. ;/

Solid Kirby

Back, I guess.
Joe Needs to look at this. Because all of these are extremely helpful, by the sounds of it.

But, Like Jynxo said, the chances of him looking at this is Slim to none, and the possibility of them happening is smaller still. I remember that Joe dosn't really like Hacks. >_>


pika2000, if only i had gotten here earlier to warn you, warn you yes indeed, the administrator here doesnt take to, let me rephrase that, doesnt care at all for forum suggestions. Especially those of any use to the forum, even with the capabilities of a newly implement plugin functionality i would be extremely surprised, and gleeful to see anything other than the out of the packet end user options being avaiable to me.

I myself have many times taken the opportunity to provide links to www.vbulletin.org topics with descriptions as you have done only to receive no reply, no acknowledgement and only for the suggestions to be lost in the neverness of what was almost remembered.

Virtual Headache

Michael said:
pika2000, if only i had gotten here earlier to warn you, warn you yes indeed, the administrator here doesnt take to, let me rephrase that, doesnt care at all for forum suggestions. Especially those of any use to the forum, even with the capabilities of a newly implement plugin functionality i would be extremely surprised, and gleeful to see anything other than the out of the packet end user options being avaiable to me.
I know what kind of person Joe is :/
But there's always hope
*pokes Joe*