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Haha this is funny

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
I defeated Wiona in Saphire with a lvl 31 gardivior haha and it didnt take any damage! heh heh heh now i dont regret waisting ice beam and thunderbolt on a female pokemon ^_^. anyone else find this funny? and does anyone have any other easy gym victories they found funny that they would like to share?

I think you are a sexist basta*d, how can you even say that? Male and Female pokemon make no difference.

Gardevoir don't even learn Ice Beam, you must be lying :)


Well-Known Member
Besides, its not even that funny considering her pokemon are about in 31-33...


Because you probably used an AR to give it Ice Beam and possibly increase its stats >.>


I like pie.
why does their gender matter? and why is it a big deal that you beat them with a gardevoir at level 31? thats where most of winonas pokemon are. and gardevoir doesn't learn ice beam.

i kinda expected this thread to have been locked several posts ago.


The Plot Thickens
1. Gardvoir can't learn Ice Beam

2. You're a sexist b*tch. So shut it.


Halo addict
He could mean that he can't breed it down, but IDK. Besides the whole thing that you can buy more and Gardy can't learn ice beam.


Completing The Trio
there is only one ice type move that gardevoir is capable of learning that move is ICY WIND, that move is taught by one of the emerald move tutors. and the move tutor that teaches that move is at the BATTLE FRONTIER, and you can't have gotten it because you've only just beaten winona


<-If only it was red
there is only one ice type move that gardevoir is capable of learning that move is ICY WIND, that move is taught by one of the emerald move tutors. and the move tutor that teaches that move is at the BATTLE FRONTIER, and you can't have gotten it because you've only just beaten winona

They can use ice punch...


<-If only it was red
there is only one ice type move that gardevoir is capable of learning that move is ICY WIND, that move is taught by one of the emerald move tutors. and the move tutor that teaches that move is at the BATTLE FRONTIER, and you can't have gotten it because you've only just beaten winona

They can use ice punch...


Completing The Trio
They can use ice punch...

very good point i missed that however if you didn't know ice punch is also a emerald move tutor attack that is only avaiable at the BATTLE FRONTIER, and you have to beat the emerald game to get there, which he hasn't