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Hall of Fame Time Record


Dawn of a New Era
Does anyone know if there's anything special for beating the Elite Four under a certain time? Suchas beating them under 60 hours might unlock something cool cuz I wanna know. Plus what was the fastest time that anyone has beaten the Elite Four? I was juss wondering cuz I traded my old pokemon and I can beat the game waaaaay faster now.


#1 Munchlax Fan
No,it's only there I think,because to compare with other people.


I beat the E4 in 9 hours last time. My first was 47:59 (i couldnt find team magma ok!!)
No, there isnt any reward for beating the e4 in a limited time. My friend beat the e4 extremely quickly by trading over pokemon of high levels to beat gym leaders, and a team of level 100's to beat victory road and the e4. It took him about 5 hours and no reward still.


Well-Known Member
No, you can't unlock anything.
R/S/E have been out for years and you expect all the whole world to not find out something like this?! God! People are getting wierder and wierder...
Anyways, the fastest I know of is my friend, Pranz's record : 5 hours. I found myself completing Ruby at 6:47.


Good at Life.
My average time seems to be around 16-17 hours. My fastest was 13 hours and some change on Leaf Green.
Tonu from Speed Demos Archive beat Pokemon Sapphire in 2:27; unfortunately, he didn't record it. Here are his times for the Gyms and his Pogeymons:

I did save my times after each Gym at least:
1st Gym (0:17)
2nd Gym (0:26)
3rd Gym (0:41)
4th Gym (0:58)
5th Gym (1:08)
6th Gym (1:24)
7th Gym (1:45)
8th Gym (2:05)
Elite Four (2:27)

And my Pokémons were after the E4:
Kyogre, lv.53, Modest, Surf/Thunder/Ice Beam/Hydro Pump
Swampert, lv.38, Bashful, Strength/Mud Shot/Rock Smash/Surf
Wingull, lv.26, Fly-slave
Tentacool, lv.35, Dive-, and Waterfall-slave
Castform, lv.26, Mild, Powder Snow/Rain Dance/Sunny Day/Hail

Yeah, that's hardcore if it's true.

However, another poster claims his save files were deleted after beating the game in sub-3:30; his cart's probably messed up, though.
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Well-Known Member
My time isn't amazing, I did enjoy the game whilst playing it before the league so it was 12:53. I now have 280 odd hours and only 4 silver symbols due to constantly changing my team and breeding lol.

Twilit Dragoon

*omnious thunderstorm*
When the game first came out, I solved the Pokemon League at 5:15, the fastest time I have ever played. I didn't own the game at the time, I rented it from a video game store.


look a portkey!
8 hours and im sure there is no reward game freak hates us


Well-Known Member
Under 60 hours? Thats way to high,my fastest time was about 22 hours,with no using high level pokemon at the start and doing some ev training,but i did use rayquaza for the most part X_x


Dawn of a New Era
Oh ok, thanks ppl! I was just making sure cuz who knows. Anyway, 2 hours?! Wow, I must say that's amazing but I try to catch all pokemon that I can before beating elite 4. Its just my style. thanks for the replies though. I did trade my strong pokemon too but I forgot most of the events and it slowed me down.

Light Venusaur

Konoha's FMA Ninja
This is for me.
Name: Bloom
$: 622327
Pokedex: 386/386
Play Time: 383:22 (I found a Shiny Swablu @ 354:14)
1st Hall of Fame: 21:10:39
Pkmn Trades: 266
Battle Tower: 171 & 43 straight wins.