I just Pal Parked my Lumpy over from FireRed, and I was so happy when I saw what the move tutor had in store for him.
So here he is:
Lumpy @ Draco Plate <----need better item, suggestions welcome.
252 ATK / 252 SPD / 6 HP
Dragon Rush
Thunder Punch
Dragon Dance
I kinda would like to throw Aerial Ace in there, but I don't know what to throw out, because thunder punch destroys most ice beamers, and I like everything else.
So here he is:
Lumpy @ Draco Plate <----need better item, suggestions welcome.
252 ATK / 252 SPD / 6 HP
Dragon Rush
Thunder Punch
Dragon Dance
I kinda would like to throw Aerial Ace in there, but I don't know what to throw out, because thunder punch destroys most ice beamers, and I like everything else.