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Halloween costume ideas


The magic of Pokemon
I'm planning to write a one-shot about the various misadventures that Ash, Kari and Brock have while trick-or-treating one Halloween, and as such need costume ideas.

My initial plan was to have Ash be Link (so Pikachu could be Navi), Kari be Sailor Mars (both look similar in build and hairstyle) and Brock be a Final Fantasy style warrior (based on the warrior from Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls)

If you have any other suggestions for anime or game characters they could be, tell me! (for Ash's suggestions, include something Pikachu could be too)
Hikari should dress up as Link instead.
Ash should be a Catsup Bottle.
Brock would dress up as Jimi Hendrix; afro, broken guitar, fake moustache, you get the idea.
Pikachu would be dressed up as a potato.
This thread=win.