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Halloween Leafia

Super Gullwing

Team Skull Mom
Hallo again...^^
Here's one of my latest paint drawings, Leafia at Halloween.
Not one of my best works, but it stated out as just a doodle.


Hope some people like it...^^;
Not one of your best works, eh? I'd like to see some of your better works. This is very cool, and nice. I like it. Good job.

~fuzzy out~
Awww. Leafia looks so cuuuute ^_^ You draw very well in paint. Something I can only wish I could do.


used Metronome!
Adorable! It has a great, artsy style to it. The only parst that look notably rough is the body of Leafia and the moon... Other than that, great job!

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
I like it, it has great colours, you can clearly see the focus of the picture, I would like to see the other works.


Well-Known Member
In the rule of perspective its front paws should be lower than its hind paws, otherwise it looks like the front paws are in the air. But excellent job, Leafia is cute. The colorful foreground in contrast to the background makes Leafia and the pumpkin stand out ^_^

Super Gullwing

Team Skull Mom
Thanks for the comments everyone. ^^
Eeeek, yeah, the paws are pretty bad, I just noticed that. ^^;

Thanks for the comments again.


Active Member
Ooh, this is really nice. I really like the spider web coming off of the hat. The light source is sort of confusing, but that's all. I like how the lineart is nice and clean.


Feel my soul
Aww, it's really cute! ^^ I love how you did the shading, it looks like it's almost in exact proportions. The only thing I see wrong with it is the front paws look a little too small, and they should be a bit lower like Hyuuga Hinata said. Other than that, it looks awesome. Great job, SG! :)


Kanto Starter Fan
It looks great! I think you have used paint VERY effectively to make such a brilliant festive picture, especially the shading and those clouds in the background.
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Well-Known Member
You did that on Paint? Dang that's good... my Paint work is nearly always shoddy!

Leafia's face is adorable... she looks so bemused by the whole Halloween thing. The background is nice and simple as well... nothing over the top.


Who? Where? When?
Awesome! Is it paint work? totally perfect!

Aikou Bupiggu

Well-Known Member
That's some excellent work, are the Pumpkin's eyes meant to be shaped like the moon? If so, you've got some great detail : )