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Halloween Night

Missingno. Master

Poison-type Trainer
Well, it's that time of year again- the time of year when I post my Halloween poem for all of you to see. So, enjoy!

Halloween Night

Twas Halloween night, and throughout the room,
whether anything moved you could not assume.
The cobwebs were hung on the front porch with care,
in hopes that the Great Pumpkin would soon be there.
The children were tucked in their comfy beds,
and visions of candy corn danced in their heads.
When out on the lawn I heard such a noise,
I raced to the window, and tripped on some toys.
What I saw was much more than knocked-over rakes,
but a miniature sleigh and 8 garden snakes.
The driver, a pumpkin, held the rein,
and all 8 snakes he called by name;
“Now Slither! Now Slather! Now Sammy and Sloth!
On Gizzard! On Gazzard! On Chubby and Broth!”
Landing on the lawn, the pumpkin got out.
Twas headed for the door, without a doubt.
I raced down to the Lantern-o- Jack,
and saw the Great Pumpkin opening his pack.
He left some gifts, then headed for
the cobwebs, left gifts, then ran to the door.
He got in the sleigh, and flew out of sight,
but I heard him say “Happy Halloween to all!
And to all a good night!”​

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
.. this just feels like a rip off of Silent Night D:

Don't see any originality, you just perverted a christmas poem and movement/feeling to a halloween type thing. Hell you even left gifts mentioned. Is it about Jack the pumpkin king? No, surely not no, you'd have MENTIONED that! Is it about the great pumpkin from Charlie Brown? That supposedly leaves presents? No, surely not, no, you'd have MENTIONED that too!

So yes. All I see is a badly halloweenised christmas poem.

good job :/

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Seriously, do you ever, oh, I don't know, maybe say anything NICE about any fics?!

When they deserve it.

Think about it. You made need to repeat this action a few times ;/

I mean, come on, this poem is a hit, so far, you are the only person who has expressed dislike towards it EVER.

Oh, really? Then why has no one else replied here? Because it's plagurised. Because it's not original. All you did was take ALREADY WRITTEN WORK AND DO A FEW CHANGES! If it was original and had no relation to Silent Night, it would be loved, but all you did was re-word, and badly I might add, Silent Night, to this.. garbage.

Seriously, there is nothing nice I have to say about this. :/ plaguriser.


Well-Known Member
Well personally I think you took this far too seriously Yami, I enjoyed it misingno!
I thought it was funny and it was original in the halloweeny way, because i've never heard a halloween poem like this. So yeh I think the harsh comments weren't needed, the grammar was good and i enjoyed it over all so yeh...
Same time next year i guess!