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Halo 2.5 360

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#1 charizard fan!
Frankie O'Connor (who works at Bungie) said this in the middle of his tgs report: "We have some cool stuff coming up for you in the next couple of weeks, including...Halo 2 running on 360.". If you pay attention to Halo news, you might of heard people talking about halo 2.5 on the 360 a while back. Halo 2.5 (directors cut) could be already downloaded to all 360 hard drives.

This isn't as exciting as Halo 3 but I didn't expect a Halo game at launch so this is great news. We also might not see Halo 3 until 2007(along with the Halo movie) so this makes Halo 2.5 even more exciting.

Could you imagine Halo 2 with improved graphics (in HD!), in 16:9 aspect ratio, with new maps, and (dare I say it) possibly and ending to Halo 2(yet still leaving more storyline for Halo 3)? Well this could be in our future fellow Spartans, and if it is, I will see you on 360 live.... ;006;

The Battousai

Did they improve story mode because that's the only fault I found in the game. When is the release date and what can I expect from it. BTW isn't Halo 3 supposed to be released around the same time as ps3. That would mean it would come out spring 2006 not Q 2007. 360 owners would be pretty mad if that happend.


Doesn't this coincide with the release of the game that will end the war? (Zelda: Twilight Princess) Nothing will overturn the Zelda series; best story, plot, and characters ever made.

I pretty much hate the Halo series after I got it for Xbox. I was so disgusted with that game when Xbox was released. So disgust that I sold the system and game. Then I wrote an angry letter saying to Microsoft that this game had so much hype, that when I played it, it blew.


Well-Known Member
I pretty much hate the Halo series after I got it for Xbox. I was so disgusted with that game when Xbox was released. So disgust that I sold the system and game. Then I wrote an angry letter saying to Microsoft that this game had so much hype, that when I played it, it blew.
Yeah, I'm sure a game isn't a game unless it's anime... *snort*
What was wrong with Halo? It wasn't exactly innovative, but the ideas were well implemented. And how can you hate a game that bad that you'd sell the console? There were squillions of games I wasted money on that infuriated me on Gameboy colour, but I never sold that. It's still around somewhere, and it makes rattling noises, but it's still here. I'm babbling on, aren't I?

I doubt there'd be a proper ending. notgood.


I loved the games story, we got to find out a lot about the Covenant, the Arbitor and his friends were awesome, especially when they began to see what was going on.. Okay, the stuff with Gravemind was pushing it, but it was still a pretty well put together story, my only problem was the abrubt ending, it sort of came from no where, but even though it was a cliff-hanger it was still pretty cool. "Sir! finishing this war!". It's a little too obvioius what's going on the Halo's and the Arc now, but I'm sure they still have some twists coming.

Ontop of that it has one of the best multiplayer modes ever. Halo 2 has to be one of the most underrated games ever. It get's way too much bashings for next to no reason, mainly from people who haven't even played it and just don't like an Xbox game being popular. (Not ecusing anyone here of doing that)


Ghost -not really-
No this is not what they mean they mean the halo bundle pack for $60
im pretty sure it includes playability on the 360 though too
2.Halo 2
3.Halo Multiplayer Map pack


revelations1 17
Jega33 said:
Frankie O'Connor (who works at Bungie) said this in the middle of his tgs report: "We have some cool stuff coming up for you in the next couple of weeks, including...Halo 2 running on 360.". If you pay attention to Halo news, you might of heard people talking about halo 2.5 on the 360 a while back. Halo 2.5 (directors cut) could be already downloaded to all 360 hard drives.

This isn't as exciting as Halo 3 but I didn't expect a Halo game at launch so this is great news. We also might not see Halo 3 until 2007(along with the Halo movie) so this makes Halo 2.5 even more exciting.

Could you imagine Halo 2 with improved graphics (in HD!), in 16:9 aspect ratio, with new maps, and (dare I say it) possibly and ending to Halo 2(yet still leaving more storyline for Halo 3)? Well this could be in our future fellow Spartans, and if it is, I will see you on 360 live.... ;006;
My BS sense are tingling! [/RIP FROM EDWARD ELRIC]

TGS report 1...

TGS report 2....

A quick Ctrl+F search of 'Halo 2' reveals absolutely nothing...But there is good news!

Yays for teh DoA character! <3 Suddenly, I am interested in DoA, especially if our new character ties in so well...


Meteor Trainer
I sure hope this isn't what they meant when they said, "XBOX360 will be able to play the XBOX's greatest hits." I don't recall them saying backwards compatible. If there's a Halo 1.5 announced, then we'll know for sure.


Well-Known Member
ShiningClefairy said:
I sure hope this isn't what they meant when they said, "XBOX360 will be able to play the XBOX's greatest hits." I don't recall them saying backwards compatible. If there's a Halo 1.5 announced, then we'll know for sure.

I can't remember where, but they *have* announced you will be able to play all old Xbox games on the 360, which certainly implies backwards compatibility. It's SONY that hasn't announced Backwards Compatibility yet. (Correct me if I'm wrong)


Skrusti said:
I can't remember where, but they *have* announced you will be able to play all old Xbox games on the 360, which certainly implies backwards compatibility. It's SONY that hasn't announced Backwards Compatibility yet. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

Not quite. All Xbox games will be able to work on the 360 eventually, but at first only a few will. But as time goes on they plan to release patches to make more and more work. They're starting with the most popular, Halo, KoTOR, Forza, etc.

And yeah, according to Tecmo there's a Halo character in Dead or Alive 4, and it's NOT Master Chief. Most people seem to think it's the Arbiter, but my bets are on Cortana. She would fit in perfectly.


revelations1 17
Yeah....Apparently, since the XBOX and the X360 are running on different processors (and by that I mean they are from different companies), XBOX games have to have a "wrapper" patch which allows them to play on the X360. So, only teh best games will be on the X360 at launch, but they'll start producing more wrappers and get other, less popular games on the system.


#1 charizard fan!
Steve said:
My BS sense are tingling! [/RIP FROM EDWARD ELRIC]

TGS report 1...

TGS report 2....

A quick Ctrl+F search of 'Halo 2' reveals absolutely nothing...But there is good news!

Yays for teh DoA character! <3 Suddenly, I am interested in DoA, especially if our new character ties in so well...

Are you joking?!?!?!?! Look at the second TGS report link and it specifically says my exact quote in the last paragraph before the pictures.
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The Battousai

Thanks for the info shadowfax. I was considering on selling my xbox games because I thought only a few xbox titles will be backwards compatible. Sony said ps3 would be backwards compatible but I think it's a lie mainly because it's using a blu-ray drive (you can't stick a CD or DVD in a blu ray drive that's like sticking a video casette in a DVD drive). 360 being backwards compatible seems more probable. I think they will release a firm ware to update the system's backwards compatibility feature, I remember reading in a egm that they would be able to evolve the system (shane kim said this). BTW Naruku Diabolos stop being such a fan-boy, Halo wasn't innovative but it was one heck of a great game. What if I told you mario games suck (IMO is false) , you would go crazy. I'm not a fan of Sony games but I'll admit I like tekken and metal gear games alot. Be optimistic try to like halo, because if you did you'll have one great time. I can't wait for halo 3 it will be great. BTW the reason I like halo one over two is because I hated two's cliff-hanger ending and they took out the assault rifle in multi-player :(, it was still one of the best games I have ever played.
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Meteor Trainer
Shiny Charizard: If you can't play DVD's in a Blu-Ray drive, then explain to me how you can play PS1 games, which are CD's, in a PS2, whose games are on DVD's.


Irate Pirate
Shiny Charizard said:
Thanks for the info shadowfax. I was considering on selling my xbox games because I thought only a few xbox titles will be backwards compatible. Sony said ps3 would be backwards compatible but I think it's a lie mainly because it's using a blu-ray drive (you can't stick a CD or DVD in a blu ray drive that's like sticking a video casette in a DVD drive). 360 being backwards compatible seems more probable. I think they will release a firm ware to update the system's backwards compatibility feature, I remember reading in a egm that they would be able to evolve the system (shane kim said this)
Where did you get that idea from? Almost all Blu-ray and HD-DVD players will be able to support DVD's and CD's


revelations1 17
Jega33 said:
Are you joking?!?!?!?! Look at the second TGS report link and it specifically says my exact quote in the last paragraph before the pictures.
ROFLs, that means that they put patch on it so anyones game can run on it, not a Halo 2.5. o_o You did supply a quote, but it didn't say a Halo 2.5, silly.


Well-Known Member
Paradox said:
Where did you get that idea from? Almost all Blu-ray and HD-DVD players will be able to support DVD's and CD's

Wrong :eek: They were talking about this on G4 TV today.

Blu-Ray takes a *very* differentiated disc than a DVD. It's a special type of DVDish thing. That is why the PS3 is *not* backwards compatible.

This is also why everyone I know is assuming the PS3 is going to be around 750$, because currently, a Blu-Ray device costs around 1000$ right now :eek:


Ghost -not really-
back to halo 2.5 bungie said in the lastest xbox mag that its possible for a halo 2.5 to launch at the same time as ps3 and then halo 3 release with the movie
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