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~*Halo 2 Weapon Gallery*~

The Scizor Master

The Scizor Master


I challenged myself to draw all Halo 2 Weapons without looking at any example (just used my mind) with the line tool only.


Well-Known Member
Wow! Those are really good.


Congratulations on your obvious mastery of Paint.
I swear to god; that doesn't even LOOK like the Rocket Launcher. Far as I can remember, it had two barrels, and was a lot longer, and didn't say "SPARTAN" on it. The M42 SSP Rocket Launcher says "SPNKR".
As a matter of fact, I can barely tell what's what.
Perhaps you should either A: Play more Halo 2, or B: stop challenging yourself to do things that you clearly can't, to put it bluntly.
*le sigh*
See, this is why you SHOULD use sources in almost every situation, lest you look like an idiot.
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Well-Known Member
I'm with Clockworkz on this one. They're decent if you only used the line tool, but please use a reference next time.